Thursday, June 24, 2021

High Value Man Blueprint

Social connectivity is another source of power. Consequently, put your networking skills to good use. That doesn't imply you should go out and try to impress others. That is pure and utter nonsense. Keep in touch with people who are knowledgeable in a range of fields. Because reciprocity is involved, such requires a trade relationship.

It's natural and desirable to be surrounded by individuals who want the best for the best part of you. For those unpleasant individuals who do not fall into that group and refuse to listen and work with you to advance towards a brighter future, perhaps the correct thing to say is, "You have your misery. I'm going to live my life. Perhaps one day you'll wake up and realize that's a better way to live." The reason for this is that simply tolerating them is referred to as "enabling." In other words, by putting up with their poor conduct, you implicitly consent to and approve of it. That's a terrible concept. You have the right and the duty to envelope yourself with individuals who bring out the best in you.

Reference: Jordan Peterson, 2019

Children of Wrath

My niece is hilarious. She chooses to close her eyes as a means to hide instead of seeking refuge behind the curtain to hide from my sister when they're playing hide and seek. The above-mentioned irrational behavior is akin to the apostate's who giving heed to deceitful spirits, proclaims that hell doesn't exist. Consequently, they participate in unrighteousness oblivious of the multiple testimonies of people who've been to hell and published books about it to warn the slaves of sin. Our very own Mc, Bamboo joined the ranks of ministers who enlighten the lost sheep of Israel because his wife, Erica Mukisa, spent 18 years with Lucifer but customarily, a prophet is not without honor except in his own country. It now stands true that sometimes people never want to hear the truth because they never want their illusions destroyed. For this reason, Yahuah has sent them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Art of Prayer

Yahusha meant that each one of us learned to pray and present ourselves personally to Yahuah. He showed us how to pray in the simplest way imaginable while in our secret room. We should approach Yahuah as if He were our Father, as Yahusha instructed us. First and foremost, worship Him for who He is. Second, thank Him for your life, health, and provision. Third, confess your transgressions. Fourth, through faith, submit your demands. Each request must be in harmony with Yah's will. In stealing or a wicked affair you cannot pray.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Origin of Alienation

Greater insight into the sense of alienation in Western culture is provided by the use of the word "mammy" when whites refer to a Black female caretaker while referring to the white female caretaker as "nanny." Clearly, "nanny" is something less than "mammy." Also, the words "uncle" and "auntie," used by whites towards Blacks, bespeak an unconscious awareness of a deep and ancient familial relationship.

The disrupted r/ship is the origin of alienation, as supported by the symbolic rituals of Western fraternal organizations, such as the Masons and the Greek fraternities and sororities. The acting out of the "crossing of the burning sands" gives reference to the albino mutants' expulsion from Africa, across the burning sands of the Sahara Desert, out of Africa, and into Europe. This was the original alienation experience of the albino whites first spawned in Africa."

Unified Field Theory Psychiatry

Whether one examines the microcosm of the individual white personality or the macrocosm of the global white collective, the law of white genetic survival stands. That law can be stated in the following equation: white power over non-white powerlessness, or w÷nw. Nonetheless, the implication of the law for whites is a failure of individual and collective white self-respect, based upon the negative image and concept of the self. 

In the white collective, there is self-esteem, which is a compensatory inflated sense of the self, but there is not fundamental respect for the genetic white self. The implications for psychiatry are as follows: based on a negative image and concept of self, brain-computer evolves pattern of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response, and perception that are self- and group-negating and productive of disharmony in the universe. These are patterns of neurochemistry and behavior consistent with various degrees of mental illness. 

Based on a positive self-image and self-concept, the brain-computer evolves patterns of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response, and perception that are self- and group-supporting and productive of harmony in the universe. These are patterns of neurochemistry and behavior consistent with mental health Welsing (1982).

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Unholy Trinity: Me, Myself & I

Instead of loving the Trinity of God [Father, Son & Holy Spirit], suffering humanity tends to love a different trinity: Me, myself, and I. This problem is particularly common among females who have hit the metaphorical Wall i.e., they have become officially ugly typically due to advancing age or poor lifestyle choices. A party girl, serial tanner, and smoker, for instance, is likely to lose her beauty well before she reaches the age of 30. The infamous Wall a woman slams into is a term that was coined by catty women because being covert, women prefer psychological warfare when combating each other to disqualify a sexual competitor. Underneath the obvious usefulness of the Wall as an insult lies a more painful truth: the eventual decay of women's sexual appeal – their primary, and for many, only, genuine instrument of power they've ever realized over males to secure their long-term security requirements.

Through the lens of Christ-Centered Therapy, I understand that renunciation of self-love is truly enlightened self-interest since Yahweh knows us better than we know ourselves and loves us more than we love ourselves. Consequently, losing ourselves for his sake eventually allows us to find ourselves. This is exactly what we witness with the Shunammite woman who gave of herself and opened her house and heart to a God-fearing man (2 Kings 4:8-11). She was barren during a time when being barren was considered the worst of curses. To satisfy Elisha's need, she forgot about her own in accordance to Mat 22:39 i.e., she unselfishly sought the best or higher good for the prophet as a demonstration of obeying the second greatest commandment. In response, God inspired Elisha to satisfy her need.

The abovementioned charitable woman illustrated the concept of loving your neighbor as you love yourself. She is the ideal good Samaritan of the old testament. In this dark age, obeying the second greatest commandment requires one to possess the wisdom of a serpent because the hearts of men are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Consequently, people with ill intentions pretend that they are suffering to take advantage of the undiscerning. This is pretty obvious. The occult part is when an enemy, particularly witches from your household, generously gives you money and when you receive it, in that very transaction you shall be selling your destiny to them. In the same order, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup.  

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Contemporary Game

Game is, at its most basic level, a set of behavioral changes to life skills based on psychological and sociological concepts to enhance intersexual relationships between men and women. The supremacy of the Feminine Imperative is threatened by true emancipation from it. Consequently, Men with the vision to see past this are labeled Dark, Sociopathic and Deviant by the imperative. The imperative had to classify Game for itself - Evil vs. Good Game. Of course, the good is defined by whatever benefits the imperative, while the evil is defined by whatever benefits the masculine ‘selfishly.'

Ref: The Rational Male

The Dinoslut

Thanks to open hypergamy and 4th wave feminism, delayed marriage and avoiding commitment promotes riding the Cock Carousel. Consequently, as the reality sets in that they must swap their ‘party years' short-term mating approach for a long-term provisioning plan, the ages of 27 and 30 become subconsciously the most stressful for damaged former CC riders.

By the same token, this impression is a growing cause of sadness for women as they transition from their post-college Party Years into the more stressful Epiphany Phase, in which they find themselves more unable to compete intrasexually. The young CC riders replacing the old CC riders slut-shame them by calling them "a dino-slut" in order to outshine them when competing for high value men in the meat market. That isn't to suggest that women in their post-peak years can't still be incredibly gorgeous and lively, but their decrease beauty becomes more apparent when compared to the following generation of 22-23 year olds.

Stress is a person. In other words, it's an evil spiritual entity in the image of a person. So when you realize it's a person, the approach to sex becomes different because a condom can guard someone from sexually transmitted diseases but it can never protect him from sexually transmitted demons from a stressed retired CC rider in desperate need of exorcism. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Religion's Etymology

Out of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, the INTPs are the most independent personality type of them all. Hence their ironic prayer point is, "Yahuah, help me to be less independent but let me do it my way." The modern woman is characterized as being strong and predominantly independent. Ne-Yo is the musical puppet that was paid to use pre-emptive programming to prepare suffering humanity for this shocking crisis when he released, "Miss Independent" in 2008. He walked into an office full of independent career women who are currently asking, "where did all the good men go." 

The essence of being a slave of sin is to be in a universe that was created by a loving all-wise Creator but wanting to be independent of Him. None of us has always been satisfied with depending on Yah; to let Him be in control but that is the real work of faith that takes more than half a century to accomplish. So if you're aimless, aspire to live by faith like the righteous saints who came before us.

I noticed that as early as at the sensorimotor stage of development, this fleshy desire to be independent comes out of a 2-year-old little like how a web comes out of a spider. This is revealed when you ask them to come but they turn and walk in the other direction. At that moment, they illustrate the manifestation of that old carnal nature of rebelliousness inherited from Adam.

So in the new covenant, Yahweh decreed that he will put his laws into the hearts of slaves of obedience and write them on their minds. Consequently, the holy spirit shall help them to draw near to Yah with a contrite heart and in turn, He shall draw near to them, and together they'll achieve RELIGION. 

We need more enlightened people to understand the correct definition of religion and the ultimate meaning of the word religion. The word religion comes from the Latin word "Re-ligare." "Ligare" means "to bind" or to "connect." Adding the prefix "re" before "ligare" causes the word to mean "Re-Bind" or "Re-connect."

The problem was never that we lacked a connection with our Creator, but rather that it was hostile. And that remains the relationship status for all unbelievers. It’s why Paul describes evangelism, not as the ministry of relationship, but as “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18)—we are calling people to be reconciled to Yahuah through the substitutionary work of Yahusha on behalf of sinners (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Hence contrary to popular opinion, Religion never encourages suffering humanity to "stop thinking." In fact, religion encourages people to think about how they can re-bind themselves or re-connect with Yahuah who is infinitely intelligent and loving. It is no wonder that the majority of the scientific discoveries were made by religious scientists. This serves to show and prove that man becomes smarter when he re-connects to Yah in the same order a phone becomes smart when the Wi-Fi re-connects it to the internet. 

Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Call to Remain Single

1 Corinthians 7:7 (LEB): I wish all people could be like myself, but each one has his gift from Yahuah, one in this way and another in that way.

Many Christians don't realise the ability to find fulfilment without marriage is a CHARISMA. The word charisma means Yah's GIFT which He supernaturally imparts by His grace. 

Hence Saint Paul considered his ability to remain single a charisma distributed to him by Yahuah in His sovereignty. For his singleness allowed him the freedom to do Yah's will without consideration for his well-being. He also wished that everyone was happy as he was the same way but Yah is sovereign. He decides if someone remains single or married. So if an individual chooses to be single and he's not gifted with this charisma, they'd probably live a frustrated and unfulfilled life.

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