Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Dinoslut

Thanks to open hypergamy and 4th wave feminism, delayed marriage and avoiding commitment promotes riding the Cock Carousel. Consequently, as the reality sets in that they must swap their ‘party years' short-term mating approach for a long-term provisioning plan, the ages of 27 and 30 become subconsciously the most stressful for damaged former CC riders.

By the same token, this impression is a growing cause of sadness for women as they transition from their post-college Party Years into the more stressful Epiphany Phase, in which they find themselves more unable to compete intrasexually. The young CC riders replacing the old CC riders slut-shame them by calling them "a dino-slut" in order to outshine them when competing for high value men in the meat market. That isn't to suggest that women in their post-peak years can't still be incredibly gorgeous and lively, but their decrease beauty becomes more apparent when compared to the following generation of 22-23 year olds.

Stress is a person. In other words, it's an evil spiritual entity in the image of a person. So when you realize it's a person, the approach to sex becomes different because a condom can guard someone from sexually transmitted diseases but it can never protect him from sexually transmitted demons from a stressed retired CC rider in desperate need of exorcism. 

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