Sunday, June 20, 2021

Unified Field Theory Psychiatry

Whether one examines the microcosm of the individual white personality or the macrocosm of the global white collective, the law of white genetic survival stands. That law can be stated in the following equation: white power over non-white powerlessness, or w÷nw. Nonetheless, the implication of the law for whites is a failure of individual and collective white self-respect, based upon the negative image and concept of the self. 

In the white collective, there is self-esteem, which is a compensatory inflated sense of the self, but there is not fundamental respect for the genetic white self. The implications for psychiatry are as follows: based on a negative image and concept of self, brain-computer evolves pattern of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response, and perception that are self- and group-negating and productive of disharmony in the universe. These are patterns of neurochemistry and behavior consistent with various degrees of mental illness. 

Based on a positive self-image and self-concept, the brain-computer evolves patterns of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional response, and perception that are self- and group-supporting and productive of harmony in the universe. These are patterns of neurochemistry and behavior consistent with mental health Welsing (1982).

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