Sunday, June 20, 2021

Origin of Alienation

Greater insight into the sense of alienation in Western culture is provided by the use of the word "mammy" when whites refer to a Black female caretaker while referring to the white female caretaker as "nanny." Clearly, "nanny" is something less than "mammy." Also, the words "uncle" and "auntie," used by whites towards Blacks, bespeak an unconscious awareness of a deep and ancient familial relationship.

The disrupted r/ship is the origin of alienation, as supported by the symbolic rituals of Western fraternal organizations, such as the Masons and the Greek fraternities and sororities. The acting out of the "crossing of the burning sands" gives reference to the albino mutants' expulsion from Africa, across the burning sands of the Sahara Desert, out of Africa, and into Europe. This was the original alienation experience of the albino whites first spawned in Africa."

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