Thursday, June 24, 2021

High Value Man Blueprint

Social connectivity is another source of power. Consequently, put your networking skills to good use. That doesn't imply you should go out and try to impress others. That is pure and utter nonsense. Keep in touch with people who are knowledgeable in a range of fields. Because reciprocity is involved, such requires a trade relationship.

It's natural and desirable to be surrounded by individuals who want the best for the best part of you. For those unpleasant individuals who do not fall into that group and refuse to listen and work with you to advance towards a brighter future, perhaps the correct thing to say is, "You have your misery. I'm going to live my life. Perhaps one day you'll wake up and realize that's a better way to live." The reason for this is that simply tolerating them is referred to as "enabling." In other words, by putting up with their poor conduct, you implicitly consent to and approve of it. That's a terrible concept. You have the right and the duty to envelope yourself with individuals who bring out the best in you.

Reference: Jordan Peterson, 2019

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