Sunday, April 25, 2021
When I am Weak, Then I am Strong
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
People of Color in the Bible
Galatians 3:28 teaches, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." God has always honored this principle. Man, however, has not.
Portraying Jesus as being one color or another is not a problem in and of itself. No brother or sister in Christ should ever object to visual portrayals of the Lord Jesus as being of any race. The problem is that the early fathers felt the bible was too Hebrew [black] so they devised a psychological operation that has resulted in many in the church to use the European Jesus image to exclude other peoples from identifying with Jesus as being one of them. Thus making the white Jesus a symbol of white supremacy in the role of divinity.
The first people of color in the Bible that we'll share about are the Egyptians. About 1/3 were black-skinned; more importantly, the people who lived in the area known as the Fayoum depression, which laid the foundation for Egyptian civilization in the dynastic ages, were black-skinned Africans.
Ethiopians, a race of black people, are another obvious people of color mentioned in scripture. The African continent was originally called Ethiopia. the Bible term "Ethiopia" refers to several black-skinned peoples who lived in the southern Nile area including modern-day Sudan. Moses had an Ethiopian wife. He married her after his first wife died. God loved her to the degree that He struck Marriam with leprosy for speaking against her. All Cushites descended from Ham, the youngest son of Noah and the ancestral father of Africans (see Gen. 9:19, 10:1-20).
Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark, was also a man of Cyrene, a north African Jew like Simon of Cyrene. He is the apostle who made the blessed confession "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16). His gospel, the Gospel of Mark, is believed by Bible scholars to have been the first gospel written (it was written about 50 A.D.).
Another group of blacks mentioned in the Bible is the people of Cyrene. The people of Cyrene were African people who lived in what is now Libya. That is the African country where Simon of Cyrene came from, that blessed brother who helped the Lord Jesus bear His cross up to Mount Calvary (Matthew 27:32).
“At that time also there appeared a certain man of magic power … if it is meet to call him a man, [whose name is Jesus], whom [certain] Greeks call a son of [a] God, but his disciples [call] the true prophet … he was a man of simple appearance, mature age, black-skinned, short growth, three cubits tall, hunchbacked, prognathous (lit. ‘with a long face’ [macroprosopos]), a long nose, eyebrows meeting above the nose … with scanty [curly] hair, but having a line in the middle of the head after the fashion of the Nazaraeans, with an undeveloped beard.”
This short, black-skinned, mature, hunchbacked Jesus with a unibrow, short curly hair, and undeveloped beard bear no resemblance to the Jesus Christ taken for granted today by most of the Christian world. In fact according to Ephesians 2:17 this genuine Jesus was near the Jews [blacks] than the Gentiles [Greeks]. Nevertheless there were many people of color that God used in the Bible. There are many people of color that God is using today. This is a very important area where our Bible teachers, our Bible schools, and our Bible seminaries are being imbalanced and therefore not telling the whole truth.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Divine Visitation
Multiple prominent new agers dramatically became Christians like St. Paul upon having an encounter with Jesus. Steve Bancarz and Doreen Virtue are examples of the abovementioned big shots who upon their change of minds went to the extent of publishing books to warn the lost sheep. Their divine visitation from the Savior was dependent on grace and their degree of alignment with Him.
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The true Master never appears in public teaching large classes or groups concerning sacred exercises, but comes privately to their disciples and instruct each one individually. The ability to inform the disciple concerning the steps to be taken before his actual initiation is the result of the high degree of development reached by the Adept. None who is not an Adept can prescribe for the spiritual needs of students without assuming heavy Karmic responsibilities.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Snake in the Church
Aquarius - Age of Evil
Also, the information they express is the clearest depiction of the mystery school ideology which are tailored in such a way to be a mystery school for dummies to indoctrinate those who would normally never set foot in any of the various secret societies and get them to believe in the same elitist mindset without going through any particular initiation. This is usually accompanied by the idea of pride. Whereby the deceived believe that what they believe is only for a select few and that has a way of sticking with them.
The Pale Horse Killer Cult
What has been falsely promoted as ‘Life’ by a sick-minded theosophical/New Age group with a fiercely genocidal agenda is actually — Death
‘New Age’ elitist lies
‘When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.’― Euripides
The way New Age fake gurus operate is to present you with manufactured fairy stories as empirical fact. Critical thinking is chronically vilified and your intuition is seen as the pathway to all understanding. ‘Spiritual teachers’ rely on their audience’s wholehearted and open-armed acceptance of their words and practices. The ego of the student is by turns petted or attacked. The spiritual teacher attacks the student’s sense of self, in the belief they’re some kind of Zen monk hitting the naïve and gullible acolyte over the shoulder with a massive metaphorical bamboo stick. A stick that’s actually made of their own ignorance and disdain.
These rogue authorities feeding the spiritual hunger of a gobsmacked global audience always present themselves as the messiah of their field, and with the right charismatic and heady mix of well-constructed wordsmithing of spiritual truths and sexual innuendo, their audience is hooked. Hook, line and sinker.
The leading role of the mass media
‘And empty words are evil.’ ― Homer, The Odyssey
The mass media is, in fact, not what it seems — the disseminator of human events — but actually carries a very powerful leading role as the educators and manipulators of the minds and reactions of the masses.
The new Golden Age after the Extermination
‘Unless a man becomes the enemy of an evil, he will not even become its slave but rather its champion.’
― G.K. Chesterton
Remembering that in their Plan, if you aren’t one of the ones chosen to ‘ascend/transcend’, then you’re a ‘Defective Seed’ and destined for extermination. ‘Who of you within the spiritual New Age movement has the aspiration and means to gradually execute one-quarter of an unsuspecting humanity?’
Living beyond the pale horse
‘Aspire to be like Mt. Fuji, with such a broad and solid foundation that the strongest earthquake cannot move you, and so tall that the greatest enterprises of common men seem insignificant from your lofty perspective. With your mind as high as Mt Fuji you can see all things clearly. And you can see all the forces that shape events; not just the things happening near to you.’
— Miyamoto Musashi
Ye shall know them by their deeds, and not by what they say.
Beloveds, don’t you be one of their casualties. For you are no Bad Seed. You are no defective being. You are a child of God, and deserve to be here as much as any other being
Thursday, April 1, 2021
How To Help New Agers
New Age theology distorts the teachings of Christianity in other important ways as well. They tell their prospective disciples that all world religions have the same "truths" at their core. It is safe to say, however, that nearly all non-Judeo/Christian religions are extremely similar because, as the Bible indicates, they come from one source, the "god of this world" - Satan himself.
Doctrines of reincarnation and self-realization (godhood for man) lie at the heart of New Age teachings. It can hardly be a coincidence that many forms of these teachings still come packaged as a snake. Many New Agers fervently believe they are working "to raise the fire of Kundalini (a goddess in the form of a snake coiled at the base of the spine)."
Many have been recruited into the Movement through their desire to help solve the world's problems. They don't know that central to the teaching of the Movement is the replacement of the present aryan races - the very peoples they say they are helping - with a new root race.
As the demon whispering to Alice Bailey plainly said on page 548 of The Externalization of the Hierarchy that they should feel free to use weapons on religious groups who interfere in the political process of the New World Order - or at the very least feel free to threaten their use. This inconsistency in the New Age position could be used profitably to enlighten sincere New Agers as to the real nature of the Movement. Many if not most would be truly startled to see the close resemblance of the Movement to Nazism.
One mustn't underestimate the power of prayer. While you're talking with a New Ager, do so forthrightly and courageously, remembering that we are given the authority in the name of Jesus to deliver them from demonic deception and power if they're willing to be delivered.
The battle is a spiritual one. Therefore, even while witnessing "pray without ceasing" for wisdom and guidance and that the eyes of the New Ager might be opened. Always, always speak the truth in love. Remember, Jesus Christ loves and died for New Agers. Until proven otherwise, we should consider each of them to be a victim rather than a villain.
- THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW - The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism P. 190
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