Thursday, April 1, 2021

How To Help New Agers

New Age theology distorts the teachings of Christianity in other important ways as well. They tell their prospective disciples that all world religions have the same "truths" at their core. It is safe to say, however, that nearly all non-Judeo/Christian religions are extremely similar because, as the Bible indicates, they come from one source, the "god of this world" - Satan himself.

Doctrines of reincarnation and self-realization (godhood for man) lie at the heart of New Age teachings. It can hardly be a coincidence that many forms of these teachings still come packaged as a snake. Many New Agers fervently believe they are working "to raise the fire of Kundalini (a goddess in the form of a snake coiled at the base of the spine)."

Many have been recruited into the Movement through their desire to help solve the world's problems. They don't know that central to the teaching of the Movement is the replacement of the present aryan races - the very peoples they say they are helping - with a new root race. 

As the demon whispering to Alice Bailey plainly said on page 548 of The Externalization of the Hierarchy that they should feel free to use weapons on religious groups  who interfere in the political process of the New World Order - or at the very least feel free to threaten their use. This inconsistency in the New Age position could be used profitably to enlighten sincere New Agers as to the real nature of the Movement. Many if not most would be truly startled to see the close resemblance of the Movement to Nazism.

One mustn't underestimate the power of prayer. While you're talking with a New Ager, do so forthrightly and courageously, remembering that we are given the authority in the name of Jesus to deliver them from demonic deception and power if they're willing to be delivered. 

The battle is a spiritual one. Therefore, even while witnessing "pray without ceasing" for wisdom and guidance and that the eyes of the New Ager might be opened. Always, always speak the truth in love. Remember, Jesus Christ loves and died for New Agers. Until proven otherwise, we should consider each of them to be a victim rather than a villain.

- THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW - The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism P. 190

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