Sunday, April 25, 2021

When I am Weak, Then I am Strong

Adam was a master teacher who named all animals according to their nature. He gave the snake its name not only due to its beguiling wisdom which it exhibited when it tricked Eve, but also because of its sophistication, insight, and right discernment. A little-known fact is that the serpent uses its belly to sense an earthquake days before it occurs and it is out of right discernment that it maneuvers through its rocky habitat without ever being cut. After Eve took some of the forbidden fruits and ate them, she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate too. Consequently, Adam became guilty of ushering sin into the world because he sinned with eyes wide open, unlike Eve who was deceived.
Sin brought death with it. Death spread to all men because all men have sinned [Rom 5:12]. Our condition is so desperate that, biblically speaking, we cannot overcome it alone [Jere 13:23]. There is no moral philosophy, mental exercise, or group therapy that can get rid of this sinful nature that leads us to death. Paul felt it himself when he said, "for what I want to do I do not but what I hate I do [Rom 7:15-16].
So there are only two ways to get rid of evil. The first is by sacrificing the self so that Christ may dwell in us [Rom 12:1-3] and His will shall be engraved in our hearts [Jere 31:33]. That shall be a daily struggle, but it will culminate in the day when the evil that dwells in us will be wiped out forever and the enemy called death shall be destroyed [1 Cor 15:26]. 

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