Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Prayer for Restoration

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Time to disabuse yourself of one of your favorite deities from the old world order. Thoth, who is said to have reincarnated as Hermes, is a fallen angel. In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey regarded him as a demon-god. The scholarly information on this meme is one of the clearest pieces of evidence concerning the devil-worshipping the forefathers performed that resulted in slavery. Moses illustrated the concept of generational curses when he enlightened us that because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all women now have increased pain in childbearing — Genesis 3:16. And all men now have greater difficulty making a living — Genesis 3:18-19.

By the same token, we inherit a propensity toward the same sins our ancestors have committed, just as we have all inherited a sinful propensity from our common ancestor, Adam. That is why the undiscerning modern barbarians, masquerading as the so-called black-conscious community, are stubbornly and ignorantly repeating the iniquities of their forefathers by adorning deities like Thoth instead of repenting for the iniquities of the forefathers who worshipped him. Consequently, they're reawakening ancestral curses that shall cause the crown from their head to fall [their honor shall be covered with dust]! Woe unto them for they have sinned!

God never gave power to Thoth to abuse it as a way of 'service to self only.' He was simply given power as other exalted light beings beyond the level of requisite frequency in this universe. But, the lust for power was too much for him not to take advantage of in favor of service to self, playing a "god," and the temptation of suppressing others became too much for him to bear. So he 'fell' from the grace of God.

His words on the Emerald tablet contained truth concerning certain aspects of Creation but mainly misrepresented and inundated with lies and deceptions to uphold the agendas of negative aliens (and himself being one of them) to keep humanity duped spreading hypocrisy and superstition in the form of religions that promote Satanic and Luciferian (some ugly and unacceptable rituals such as blood sacrifices, rapes, sexual practices openly, etc.) agendas disguised as divine religions.

Because of this, our heart is faint, because of these things our eyes are dim. Servants rule over us; there is no one to rescue us out of their hands. Princes were hung by their hands; elders were not respected. The joy of our hearts has ended; our dancing has been turned into mourning. 

But You, O Lord, reign forever; Your throne endures from generation to [all] generations. Remember what has come upon us; look, and see our reproach (continental disgrace) and return us to You, O Lord, so that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Return of the New Age & Breaking Generational Curses

Sometimes the truth is difficult to accept so some people willingly ignore it. Kundalini is a false holy spirit simply because the holy spirit is bestowed from without making the body its temple and the serpentine power is supposedly awakened from within. In the satanic Bible, Thoth is acknowledged as a demon god. The serpents displayed on the headdress of his pharaohs indicated the awakened Uraeus which transformed them into majesties of this zone of the universe. Now gnostic sages meditate in the Kundalini and devotees adore and worship the kundalini in their homes of perfection.

Africa is currently in bad shape because it is suffering from generational curses. Their forefathers dabbled with the devil's (serpent power) which masqueraded as an angel of light and rewarded them with kingdoms of the world and their splendor because they worshipped him.

The Lamb of God emerged victorious during the temptation in the wilderness because He resisted the devil and he fled [Matthew 4:10]. Right now history is repeating itself as we are witnessing the return of the new age. After all, we inherit a propensity toward the same sin our ancestors committed just we all have inherited a sinful propensity from our common ancestor, Adam. For example, Moses wrote that because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all women now have increased pain in childbearing [Genesis 3:16]. And all men now have greater difficulty making a living [Genesis 3:18-19].

The tragedy is the conveniently deceived are now stubbornly clinging to the practices of the forefathers by awakening the serpentine power. There are multiple dimensions of causation but no one escapes the law of cause and effect. Therefore under the corporation by lineage, the practitioners of royal art are enhancing the curses already laid upon them to their 4th generation.

If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents, says a wise proverb. But there is hope because if we are renewed by the transformation of our minds and ask correctly, God shall remove generational curses — so that we will no longer suffer the negative repercussions of that ancestral corporateness, and instead enjoy only the rich goodness of generational blessings.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Why We Cannot Co-exist

Conscience in a very fallen way is like a barely burning coal where there used to be a raging fire of sensitivity to Yahweh. A simple definition of conscience: the inward sense of what is morally right and wrong; it carries with it the desire to do what is morally right. 

Everybody has a conscience. That's why you find compassion emphasized in Buddhism, separation from the world emphasized in Hinduism, and the golden rule in the scriptural base of almost every major positive religion. 

That's because all of us sense within ourselves that these character traits are desirable goals in just about every and any religion. After all, our conscience is still functioning. 

However, when you move into the higher realms of theology such as the nature of God, the nature of true salvation or enlightenment or the nature be human beings. These different religions take many different roads and come to many different and irreconcilable conclusions. 

So conscience is the reason that you find commonalities at the foundational base of religions where the character is the emphasis. But when you move into the higher realms of spiritual concepts, there is no compatibility.

For instance, there's no compatibility between the concept of Brahma in Hinduism which is an impersonal life force, and a concept of a personal God, Yahuah in the Bible that interacts with you in a very personal and loving way. 

Therefore one of the foundational issues one has to come to grips with as we are taught when writing a dissertation, is that truth is objectively the same for everyone. Two opposing people can never say that I can have my truth and you can have your truth and we can both be right. The sun is at the center of the solar system. Another person with an opposing idea has to be wrong to suggest that the earth is at the center of the solar system and the sun rotates it.

Nevertheless, I identify with spiritual people's passion to seek the truth because I was in the same camp for long but just because I mean to say Jesus is the only way now, it doesn't mean that I despise them when I present my thesis. I love seekers who are desperately trying to live a higher life, to go beyond materialism and a flesh-ruled lifestyle, and find something that has eternal value.

However, communion with God is impossible until we do it God's way. We can make all kinds of attempts to penetrate the spiritual world but we never will get to God until we go through the door which is Yahusha.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Kundalini: The False Holy Spirit in Church

The Mayan calendar shows that we entered the age of Aquarius in 2012. It has been roughly a decade now since kundalini yoga and sexual magic have been popularized. If this serpentine power is the holy spirit, why haven't kundalini initiates been filled by the one spirit since then and as a result be able to heal the sick by the power of their spoken word as the disciples did after the day of Pentecost?

Oh! I know why. It's because kundalini is a false holy spirit. Or do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? A man is justified by works, and not by faith only. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also [James 2:20-26]. At two years old, Bamboo's wife, Mrs. Erica Mukisa, was initiated into sorcery by her wicked grandmother. Fortunately, she was delivered and has written two books to prove that Lucifer is real and his cleverest scheme has been to deceive those disillusioned by the institutionalized teachings of Christ into thinking he doesn't exist.

So courtesy of snake oil salesmen and fallen angel teachings of this so-called new age, stiff-necked fools still don't want to consider the fact that Satan himself is masquerading as an angel of light like never before. But that's expected because Erica's testimony cannot be without honor except in her own country [Mark 6:4].

Baphomet is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection and the emblem of Satan. At its belly, we can see Eliphas Levi drew the symbolism of the kundalini ascending along the spinal column. This depicts that this Luciferian doctrine came from the belly of the beast.

Former Kundalini teacher, Mike Shreve came out of the woodwork and revealed it all in an interview by Steve Bancarz; a former new age guru who converted to Christianity after an encounter with Jesus.

Mike, informed the viewers that there is no such thing as kundalini nor chakras. So the kundalini practices send the conveniently deceived Initiates on a wild goose chase. Hoping that at a certain point in their illustrious ascension career, the kundalini is going to be awakened like a striking cobra. Then travel along the spinal column to the 3rd eye chakra. That's the portal through which the soul shall evacuate the body and blend in with the oversoul hence achieving the experience of Christ consciousness and liberation from carnal consciousness.

The twist is that sound doctrine instructs spiritual people to be conscious of Christ but the false teaching adulterates the gospel and appeals to the initiate's mythomania by misinforming them that they can achieve god consciousness by awakening the serpentine power.

That is an aspiration of an angel we're all familiar with. In [Luke 10:18] Jesus says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Then Satan says in his heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will be like the Most High" [Isaiah 14:12-17]. Just like how his battalion of Kundalini initiates have been tricked to aspire to be instead of accepting that they're nothing but vile worms in the mud of the earth hence create room to host blessings.

Additionally, we know that biblically a serpent is symbolic of that which is evil. Going back to the garden of Eden, Satan is depicted as a serpent. To me, that was the enemy revealing the source of the kundalini power, and the power-hungry people never even picked up on it. 

It's like the enemy revealing that this is dark and evil and then laughing because the initiates didn't even sense the danger of what they were doing. But in the new age movement, a serpent is supposedly symbolic of esoteric wisdom. Hence they believe it's a positive symbol.

Oh, I say and I say it again. You've been had! You've been taken! You've been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what the arch-deceiver does!

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me [John 14:6]. So I believe when someone experiences this supposedly awakening of the kundalini, it is demonic possession i.e. the manifestation of a water spirit coming into the initiate. Consequently, we have cases of those who have awakened it and are now suffering from psychosis; the supposedly holy spirit destroyed their minds because the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But the Son came that they may have life, and have it in abundance (John 10:10).

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Prayer Mantrams and Invocations

Mystics in olden days used to say that the spark-light produced by the glow-worm would have its existence for centuries and centuries, and would float in space and expand; and that not only that light, but also every voice that is projected would continue its existence in some way. We know that nothing in the universe is lost but only transformed, transmuted into different forms and expressed again in different ways. If not an atom is lost, it means that not a single energy wave is lost; and if not a single energy wave is lost, it means that none of our emotional and mental waves are lost; and if they are not lost, they continue their good or bad effect upon human conduct and life. 
When we depart from our beloved ones, we use nice expressions, such as “Good journey” or “We wish your success” or “May God be with you.” With these words we impart to them a protective aura or an inspiring wave, a source of sincere joy. It is for the same reason that so many fathers and mothers pray that their children may be spared from dangers and temptations and live in the light of their highest dreams and visions. We know so many people who pray every morning and night for their beloved ones and for humanity as a whole, thus throwing into space a purifying energy wave, a blessing. The effect of prayer, however, does not stop here. It is not only an expanding incense, an illuminating agent; it is also a beam of energy directed toward the Central Power, becoming a channel to that Power. Here we have an appeal and an answer: Invocation and Evocation.

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