Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Prayer for Restoration

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Time to disabuse yourself of one of your favorite deities from the old world order. Thoth, who is said to have reincarnated as Hermes, is a fallen angel. In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey regarded him as a demon-god. The scholarly information on this meme is one of the clearest pieces of evidence concerning the devil-worshipping the forefathers performed that resulted in slavery. Moses illustrated the concept of generational curses when he enlightened us that because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all women now have increased pain in childbearing — Genesis 3:16. And all men now have greater difficulty making a living — Genesis 3:18-19.

By the same token, we inherit a propensity toward the same sins our ancestors have committed, just as we have all inherited a sinful propensity from our common ancestor, Adam. That is why the undiscerning modern barbarians, masquerading as the so-called black-conscious community, are stubbornly and ignorantly repeating the iniquities of their forefathers by adorning deities like Thoth instead of repenting for the iniquities of the forefathers who worshipped him. Consequently, they're reawakening ancestral curses that shall cause the crown from their head to fall [their honor shall be covered with dust]! Woe unto them for they have sinned!

God never gave power to Thoth to abuse it as a way of 'service to self only.' He was simply given power as other exalted light beings beyond the level of requisite frequency in this universe. But, the lust for power was too much for him not to take advantage of in favor of service to self, playing a "god," and the temptation of suppressing others became too much for him to bear. So he 'fell' from the grace of God.

His words on the Emerald tablet contained truth concerning certain aspects of Creation but mainly misrepresented and inundated with lies and deceptions to uphold the agendas of negative aliens (and himself being one of them) to keep humanity duped spreading hypocrisy and superstition in the form of religions that promote Satanic and Luciferian (some ugly and unacceptable rituals such as blood sacrifices, rapes, sexual practices openly, etc.) agendas disguised as divine religions.

Because of this, our heart is faint, because of these things our eyes are dim. Servants rule over us; there is no one to rescue us out of their hands. Princes were hung by their hands; elders were not respected. The joy of our hearts has ended; our dancing has been turned into mourning. 

But You, O Lord, reign forever; Your throne endures from generation to [all] generations. Remember what has come upon us; look, and see our reproach (continental disgrace) and return us to You, O Lord, so that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.

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