Monday, March 15, 2021

Why We Cannot Co-exist

Conscience in a very fallen way is like a barely burning coal where there used to be a raging fire of sensitivity to Yahweh. A simple definition of conscience: the inward sense of what is morally right and wrong; it carries with it the desire to do what is morally right. 

Everybody has a conscience. That's why you find compassion emphasized in Buddhism, separation from the world emphasized in Hinduism, and the golden rule in the scriptural base of almost every major positive religion. 

That's because all of us sense within ourselves that these character traits are desirable goals in just about every and any religion. After all, our conscience is still functioning. 

However, when you move into the higher realms of theology such as the nature of God, the nature of true salvation or enlightenment or the nature be human beings. These different religions take many different roads and come to many different and irreconcilable conclusions. 

So conscience is the reason that you find commonalities at the foundational base of religions where the character is the emphasis. But when you move into the higher realms of spiritual concepts, there is no compatibility.

For instance, there's no compatibility between the concept of Brahma in Hinduism which is an impersonal life force, and a concept of a personal God, Yahuah in the Bible that interacts with you in a very personal and loving way. 

Therefore one of the foundational issues one has to come to grips with as we are taught when writing a dissertation, is that truth is objectively the same for everyone. Two opposing people can never say that I can have my truth and you can have your truth and we can both be right. The sun is at the center of the solar system. Another person with an opposing idea has to be wrong to suggest that the earth is at the center of the solar system and the sun rotates it.

Nevertheless, I identify with spiritual people's passion to seek the truth because I was in the same camp for long but just because I mean to say Jesus is the only way now, it doesn't mean that I despise them when I present my thesis. I love seekers who are desperately trying to live a higher life, to go beyond materialism and a flesh-ruled lifestyle, and find something that has eternal value.

However, communion with God is impossible until we do it God's way. We can make all kinds of attempts to penetrate the spiritual world but we never will get to God until we go through the door which is Yahusha.

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