Saturday, March 20, 2021

Return of the New Age & Breaking Generational Curses

Sometimes the truth is difficult to accept so some people willingly ignore it. Kundalini is a false holy spirit simply because the holy spirit is bestowed from without making the body its temple and the serpentine power is supposedly awakened from within. In the satanic Bible, Thoth is acknowledged as a demon god. The serpents displayed on the headdress of his pharaohs indicated the awakened Uraeus which transformed them into majesties of this zone of the universe. Now gnostic sages meditate in the Kundalini and devotees adore and worship the kundalini in their homes of perfection.

Africa is currently in bad shape because it is suffering from generational curses. Their forefathers dabbled with the devil's (serpent power) which masqueraded as an angel of light and rewarded them with kingdoms of the world and their splendor because they worshipped him.

The Lamb of God emerged victorious during the temptation in the wilderness because He resisted the devil and he fled [Matthew 4:10]. Right now history is repeating itself as we are witnessing the return of the new age. After all, we inherit a propensity toward the same sin our ancestors committed just we all have inherited a sinful propensity from our common ancestor, Adam. For example, Moses wrote that because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all women now have increased pain in childbearing [Genesis 3:16]. And all men now have greater difficulty making a living [Genesis 3:18-19].

The tragedy is the conveniently deceived are now stubbornly clinging to the practices of the forefathers by awakening the serpentine power. There are multiple dimensions of causation but no one escapes the law of cause and effect. Therefore under the corporation by lineage, the practitioners of royal art are enhancing the curses already laid upon them to their 4th generation.

If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents, says a wise proverb. But there is hope because if we are renewed by the transformation of our minds and ask correctly, God shall remove generational curses — so that we will no longer suffer the negative repercussions of that ancestral corporateness, and instead enjoy only the rich goodness of generational blessings.

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