Saturday, March 6, 2021

Prayer Mantrams and Invocations

Mystics in olden days used to say that the spark-light produced by the glow-worm would have its existence for centuries and centuries, and would float in space and expand; and that not only that light, but also every voice that is projected would continue its existence in some way. We know that nothing in the universe is lost but only transformed, transmuted into different forms and expressed again in different ways. If not an atom is lost, it means that not a single energy wave is lost; and if not a single energy wave is lost, it means that none of our emotional and mental waves are lost; and if they are not lost, they continue their good or bad effect upon human conduct and life. 
When we depart from our beloved ones, we use nice expressions, such as “Good journey” or “We wish your success” or “May God be with you.” With these words we impart to them a protective aura or an inspiring wave, a source of sincere joy. It is for the same reason that so many fathers and mothers pray that their children may be spared from dangers and temptations and live in the light of their highest dreams and visions. We know so many people who pray every morning and night for their beloved ones and for humanity as a whole, thus throwing into space a purifying energy wave, a blessing. The effect of prayer, however, does not stop here. It is not only an expanding incense, an illuminating agent; it is also a beam of energy directed toward the Central Power, becoming a channel to that Power. Here we have an appeal and an answer: Invocation and Evocation.

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