Thursday, March 17, 2022

Enticing Words

In the event of your demise, the clergyman shall say, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Being a man of the cloth, it is obvious he means man returns to the dust of the earth from which he was created.

In the pantheism worldview, cosmologists have concluded that nearly all the elements in the human body were made in a star and many have come through several supernovas.

As a result, the poetic generalization that we are all "made of stardust" and therefore "one with the universe" has emerged. This erroneous notion is of course consistent with the New Age movement, which beliefs in mystical ties between humans and nature.

Man—in the form of Adam—was indeed made from the “dust” of the ground. However, the Earth and its component materials were created before the stars, not from the stars (Genesis 1:16) —see Genesis 1.

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