Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Good Name

In the illustrious metaphysical journey, the apostate shall be taken captive by either of the following hollow philosophies:
One of them shall misinform him that he has a meat body driven by a soul. The other shall claim he is a spiritual being having a human experience. 
There is hope for the truth seekers in the new-age movement because the word of Yahuah is the sword of the spirit specially designed to set the captives free. 
For the philosopher whose mind inclines towards the religion of solitude, the capacity of his exercised forebrain to perform critical thinking shall enable him to demolish erroneous beliefs and cement rational faiths in his psyche.
So in the sacred writings, man is informed that The Dust of the Ground + The Breath of Life = Living Soul.
Therefore all human beings are living souls. Not just the enigmatic dwelling within. The new-agers are also in bed with the sinister Hollyweird because they produced a film for children called Soul. The notion advocated here is that a soul is a conscious immaterial substance that resides in our mortal bodies and then flies away when we die. 
Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], even when he is old, he shall not depart from it.

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