Sunday, May 30, 2021

King James Black Royalty

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. However, people are so used to the struggle to the degree that they will choose to remain in mental slavery when presented with information that will cause cognitive dissonance. 

So let's see how many stiff-necked, homophobic negroes, will change their minds upon knowing that King James was a straight servant of Yahuah and he was Black. No more crying victim, conscious black man. It's time to become avid readers of the bible because King James is your beloved ancestor but courtesy of the curses of disobedience in Deuteronomy 28, our crown fell from the head and this elaborate and demeaning lie fooled you to hate your king.

In 1603, King James convened a meeting at Hampton Court in an attempt to address the church's divisions during his reign. As a result, a new translation and collection of acceptable Bible books were commissioned to address faults with previous translations. The Geneva Version, for example, included contentious marginal annotations that declared the Pope to be an anti-Christ. The church's leaders wanted a Bible for the people that solely included biblical references for word clarification or cross-references.

The translation took seven years to complete after King James approved 54 academics to work on it. They worked in six groups at three sites for seven years, comparing it to prior English translations (such as the Geneva Bible) and original language texts. The new translation, called the Authorized Version since it was permitted to be read in churches, was published in 1611. Later, it was named the King James Version.

The Edomites, as usual, are deceiving us. They started the whole thing by claiming that King James was gay. Anthony Weldon, who had been barred from James' court, was the one who originated the rumor. So, twenty-five years after James' death, in 1650, Weldon recognized his opportunity. He published an article in which he referred to James as a homosexual.

King James, having died, was unable to defend himself. Because there were still enough people alive who knew it wasn't true, the report was largely ignored. It lay dormant for years until it was resurrected recently by Christians who hoped that vilifying King James would tarnish the Bible that bears his name, causing most, if not all, to turn away from Yahuah's book and toward a more "modern" translation. However, Weldon's false account appears to be working because many of Yahuah's people refuse to read.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Masturbation – Sex with Demons

An exquisite definition of masturbation indicates that it is about entertaining thoughts and imagination generated from mid-heaven by the adversary instead of casting down those very imaginations and bringing every thoughts to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). 

When the adversary realizes that a breakthrough or blessings are just around the corner, he makes you masturbate, and by doing so, he has shut off your blessings and breakthrough - he has stolen. And for many individuals, this is the most significant source of stagnation.

Masturbation is a spirit of darkness, a demon. Spirits are never fought physically but spiritually – it’s never a wrestle against blood and flesh (Eph 6:12). But the world advises you to get rid of anything that makes you want to masturbate, physical objects (but not the exorcism of spirits) so when the desire to jack off arises, you find yourself returning to those forbidden items. 

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36). Only a free person has everything he or she needs to view pornography, but this person shall never since he or she has absolutely no impulses or passions for it. In the same order, only a free person has enough money to buy all of the booze in the world, but he doesn't because he doesn't have any cravings, lusts, or passions for it. Masturbation imprisons you in spiritual Egypt, in captivity, and in desperate need of a prison break.

Friday, May 28, 2021


Your average prosperity preacher won't teach you that delivery from demons is essential in Africa because your ancestors were children of wrath. Nor will western mainstream evangelists because they're educated fools hence they disregard anything ultra spiritual. 

The abovementioned demons block relationships, destinies and, wealth. When these demonic influences are broken and cast out, there is an instant shift in the physical realm. Marriages and relationships are restored, finances explode and healing takes place.

So when you make prayers to destroy ancestral covenants, to disconnect yourself from their lineage and to free yourself from generational curses by binding and casting out familiar spirits, at night when you sleep be rest assured these demons that you upset will retaliate. Their vengeance proves that the prayer of the righteous man is working. 

Retaliation happens in form of sexual assault, dreams of backwardness in which you see yourself back in high school, former houses, and being fed in the dream to re-establish the ruined satanic covenant. 

In the event of a sexual assault, which is the devil's favorite tactic, the spiritual spouse creates scenarios of sexual activity to defile your spirit man. Yahuah is holy so when you orgasm in the dream, He turns away from the pool of filth you've found yourself in. These dreams must be destroyed before they manifest in the physical world. This is accomplished by your spoken word because the tongue has the power of life and death.

Otherwise, to restore the perverted relationship with Yahuah, the prayer warrior must purify himself by the blood of the lamb which also redeems him from the hand of the accuser. After this, he becomes justified and fit to go to war again. 

This process you repeat until the prayer points you are making stop elucidating retaliation. That's when you know you've emerged triumphant and free to fight another battle. A poetic way of illustrating JUSTIFIED is Just-As-If-I've-Never-Sinned.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Way of Salvation

Every person shows from his earthly heritage a distinct nature. Thanks to resonance, we shall consider the idealist. He lives in the world for his ideals; a man of principles, intelligent, modest, moderate in everything, patient; and a man with refined manners, dreamy by nature, or a deep thinker; a man of dignity who guards his reputation as one would take care of a thin glass. 
His contact with the earth is like that of a bird who builds its nest upon a tree in the air, descends to the earth to pick up grain when hungry, and then flies off. He dwells on the earth because he is born on the earth, but in reality, he lives in his thoughts. The earth and all that belongs to the earth is his need, not his want. 
The idealist's belief is in his scripture and savior. He believes because it is written in the scripture, or taught by the savior. His belief, of course, will not change with the weather, but still, it may waver, if by any means reason was awakened in his soul. At least it would be dimmed just as the light of a candle would become dimmed by the rising sun. When the sun of intelligence rises, it would break through and scatter the clouds of emotion and devotion made by this belief. 
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 The faith which supercedes shall now be established on conviction; not just reason, but every part of his being shall be convinced and assured of the truth of things, and nothing on earth can change it. If a person were to say to him, 'Do not cross over this place, there is water here,' he will say, 'No, it is land. I can see for myself.' It is just like seeing with the eyes all that one believes. 

This belief is the belief of the seer whose knowledge is his eyewitness, and therefore his belief will last forever and ever. Of course, as a soul evolves from stage to stage, it must break the former belief in order to establish the latter.  The latter belief consists of the unfathomable truth of Yahuah's glory as it has been written in 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” That is the final revelation that brings the seer to the shores of the ultimate truth.
Why is there so much suffering in life, when Yahuah is described as merciful? This fact can be understood, not merely by believing in Yahuah, but in knowing Him. In Isaiah 66:1, He said that Heaven is His throne, and the earth is the footstool of His feet. In Ephesians 4:4, the holy spirit expressly says, "there is one body and one Spirit."
So suppose your hands dropped a heavy weight upon your feet and hurt them, are your hands to be blamed? No, for they share the pain with the feet, and although the feet seem to have been hurt, yet the one that feels hurt is your absolute being. In reality that being feels hurt, and therefore the hand shares the hurt of the foot. So it is with Yahuah. Our very life is His, and He is not void of the feeling of joy or of pain which we feel. In reality, He feels what we imagine we feel, yet at the same time, His perfect Being keeps Him above all earthly joys and pains; and our imperfection limits us, so that we become subject to all joys and pains, however small they may be.
One might ask, 'Why tread the path of righteousness and piety; why spend your life in teaching and proclaiming the gospel?' It is natural. Every loving person who has been saved from sin has a desire to see others partake in the glory of Yahusha. On the other hand, it seems that some persons are quite happy in committing sin. But sin can never make one happy. Even where there is pleasure in it, for the time being, it would re-echo, and the re-echo of a false note is never pleasing to the musical ear for the wages of sin is death but the gift of Yahuah is eternal life in Yahusha [Romans 6:23].
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However, the whole of life's sins may be forgiven by divine mercy in one moment, just as a chemical solution may wash away the stains of years from the surface of a rock in a moment. But if a person has continued to commit sins, at every sin he has lost his belief in the judgment of Yahuah and in His power. Therefore he has sown the seed of disbelief in his heart and has reared this plant by his sins. That being so, how can he, in the end, develop sufficient faith in a moment to believe in divine mercy? The simplest thing becomes the most difficult for him because he shall instead feel condemned.

For this reason, the saints taught the natural men faith as the first lesson in salvation. Those are forgiven the sins of their whole life, who have always believed that any moment death might come and have safeguarded themselves against doing anything that does not meet with the pleasure of Yahuah, and whenever, owing to human imperfection, they have failed in doing right, they most earnestly have asked forgiveness.

References: Hazrat Inayat & Apostle Paul

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