Friday, May 28, 2021


Your average prosperity preacher won't teach you that delivery from demons is essential in Africa because your ancestors were children of wrath. Nor will western mainstream evangelists because they're educated fools hence they disregard anything ultra spiritual. 

The abovementioned demons block relationships, destinies and, wealth. When these demonic influences are broken and cast out, there is an instant shift in the physical realm. Marriages and relationships are restored, finances explode and healing takes place.

So when you make prayers to destroy ancestral covenants, to disconnect yourself from their lineage and to free yourself from generational curses by binding and casting out familiar spirits, at night when you sleep be rest assured these demons that you upset will retaliate. Their vengeance proves that the prayer of the righteous man is working. 

Retaliation happens in form of sexual assault, dreams of backwardness in which you see yourself back in high school, former houses, and being fed in the dream to re-establish the ruined satanic covenant. 

In the event of a sexual assault, which is the devil's favorite tactic, the spiritual spouse creates scenarios of sexual activity to defile your spirit man. Yahuah is holy so when you orgasm in the dream, He turns away from the pool of filth you've found yourself in. These dreams must be destroyed before they manifest in the physical world. This is accomplished by your spoken word because the tongue has the power of life and death.

Otherwise, to restore the perverted relationship with Yahuah, the prayer warrior must purify himself by the blood of the lamb which also redeems him from the hand of the accuser. After this, he becomes justified and fit to go to war again. 

This process you repeat until the prayer points you are making stop elucidating retaliation. That's when you know you've emerged triumphant and free to fight another battle. A poetic way of illustrating JUSTIFIED is Just-As-If-I've-Never-Sinned.

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