Sunday, May 30, 2021

King James Black Royalty

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. However, people are so used to the struggle to the degree that they will choose to remain in mental slavery when presented with information that will cause cognitive dissonance. 

So let's see how many stiff-necked, homophobic negroes, will change their minds upon knowing that King James was a straight servant of Yahuah and he was Black. No more crying victim, conscious black man. It's time to become avid readers of the bible because King James is your beloved ancestor but courtesy of the curses of disobedience in Deuteronomy 28, our crown fell from the head and this elaborate and demeaning lie fooled you to hate your king.

In 1603, King James convened a meeting at Hampton Court in an attempt to address the church's divisions during his reign. As a result, a new translation and collection of acceptable Bible books were commissioned to address faults with previous translations. The Geneva Version, for example, included contentious marginal annotations that declared the Pope to be an anti-Christ. The church's leaders wanted a Bible for the people that solely included biblical references for word clarification or cross-references.

The translation took seven years to complete after King James approved 54 academics to work on it. They worked in six groups at three sites for seven years, comparing it to prior English translations (such as the Geneva Bible) and original language texts. The new translation, called the Authorized Version since it was permitted to be read in churches, was published in 1611. Later, it was named the King James Version.

The Edomites, as usual, are deceiving us. They started the whole thing by claiming that King James was gay. Anthony Weldon, who had been barred from James' court, was the one who originated the rumor. So, twenty-five years after James' death, in 1650, Weldon recognized his opportunity. He published an article in which he referred to James as a homosexual.

King James, having died, was unable to defend himself. Because there were still enough people alive who knew it wasn't true, the report was largely ignored. It lay dormant for years until it was resurrected recently by Christians who hoped that vilifying King James would tarnish the Bible that bears his name, causing most, if not all, to turn away from Yahuah's book and toward a more "modern" translation. However, Weldon's false account appears to be working because many of Yahuah's people refuse to read.

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