Saturday, June 13, 2020

Emotional Intelligence

L,earn to look intelligently into the hearts of men. Regard most constantly your own heart. Regard the constantly changing and moving life which surrounds you, for it is formed by the hearts of men and as you learn to understand their constitution and meaning, you will by degrees be able to read the larger word of life. - Light on the Path

All human emotions consist of one of these six emotion-elements, or, more frequently, of two or more of them combined together. To the student of occultism it is clearly of fundamental ,importance that he should attain full mastery over all his vehicles — physical, astral and mental.

Justice Wisdom

King Solomon hinted to us that just wisdom and empathy are two sides of the same Coin. That was after two roommates presented a case to him. 

One of the roommates said she had recently given birth and three days later her roommate gave birth too. One night, the later woman rolled on her baby and suffocated him to death. Knowing that they resembled, she opted to exchange the corpse with the baby of the former woman without her knowledge. But the original mother proved to be cognizant of her baby upon seeing him. 

So to settle the dispute, the King ordered a servant to bring his sword and he declared that for justice to be served, he'll split the baby into two so that each mother can have a fair share of the corpse. 

Out of Empathy, the real mother told his Majesty to spare the baby and let the other woman who claimed him to keep him while the secretly grieving mother told the King to go ahead and cut him. In that instance, it became vivid who the true mother is. 
Right now the world is heading to a technological control system like how the titanic uncontrollably smashed the iceberg. That is because the school system is primarily designed on building a human's crystal intelligence at the expense of bringing out their emotional intelligence. 
So in the end, decision-makers who've sold their soul are intellectually clever but apathetic. That is why technocrats are comfortable executing decisions which lack wisdom. 

Salvation is now an inside job because the church is sold out too. According to the Triads, a man can learn wisdom by three ways: first by reflection, which is noblest, second by imitating (King Solomon) which is the easiest, and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

Cult of Self

"The cult of self dominates our cultural landscape. This cult has within it the classic traits of psychopaths: superficial charm, grandiosity, and self-importance; a need for constant stimulation, a penchant for lying, deception, and manipulation, and the inability to feel remorse or guilt. This is, of course, the ethic promoted by corporations." — Empire of Illusion

5 stages of grief

A theory developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that we go through five distinct stages of grief after a loss. In this case, we're consciously/unconsciously mourning the loss of the old order of doing things. We often move between stages before achieving a more peaceful acceptance of death so there isn't a particular order of navigating these stages. Know Thyself.

Becoming Immovable

Most of the ancient teachers taught while sitting down with their disciples gathered about them. 

These postures are symbolical of inner conditions of consciousness; the position of the body is irrelevant, but the mental discipline of each posture is important. 

To “seat” oneself is to rest firmly in the Law. 

This taking refuge in the law signifies that the disciple has completed his searching. He no longer travels from sage to sage begging wisdom. 

He neither questions nor doubts the integrity of the doctrines he has followed; he is certain as to the essential principles of his philosophy. This conviction, this final acceptance of Truth as Reality, is called “Establishment In The Law." — Manly P. Hall

The Astral Body

"A crowd has all the emotions,·but no intellect: it can feel, but it cannot think. The opinions of crowds are seldom or never reached by reason, but are merely infectious passions which sweep through the whole body like an electric current, these frequently originating from a single brain. Once caught up in the crowd, the individual rapidly loses his power of individual thought and feeling, and becomes one with the crowd, sharing its life, its opinions, its attitudes, prejudices and the like." — A.E Powell

Philosphers and Love

"One of the great theorisers of love, Jacques Lacan, engaged in dialogue with Plato and concluded, “there is no such thing as a sexual relationship." He reminds us, that in sex, each individual is to a large extent on their own. Naturally, the other’s body has to be mediated, but at the end of the day, the pleasure will be always your pleasure. Sex separates, doesn’t unite. The fact you are naked and pressing against the other is an image, an imaginary representation. What's real is that pleasure takes you a long way away, very far from the other. What is real is narcissistic, what binds is imaginary." — Alain Badiou

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