Saturday, December 10, 2022

Brother is the Highest Accolade

The highest accolade you can give to somebody is call them brother because the original people don't have really many schools that really bestow these degrees and things on people. There are people who exist in the community who can literally tell those people who have earned those degrees in some of those places where they bestow those degrees; they can tell them to take those degrees and make them into toilet papers. There are people who don't have degrees themselves who can tell other people who are in their same fields to take their same degrees and make them into toilet paper. For instance, Professor John Henry Clarke. He is the world's foremost African scholar and he did not graduate from high school. He was an autodidact who slightly learnt under shaker and if he can't be called Dr then we are crazy. Alot of our black minds don't have these white man's credentials because they're incharge of giving them

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