I know all smart, woke people are aware that university is a game where you take a bunch of classes and the facilitator never teaches you how to think critically. Some are in debt so that you can become a debt slave and consumer who is attached to the matrix. We know all of that hence it is crucial to never let schooling interfere with your education. My exposé is going to reveal grad's alchemical symbolism, what happens behind the scene, and its origin.
99% of people who graduate have no idea that a graduation ceremony is a powerful initiation. In typical Freemasonry, there are 33 degrees. A typical four-year degree will require you to attend school for 32 months because a semester is four months long and there are two semesters in a year.
So the graduates wear a mortarboard, 🎓. That is what a stone mason would use to hold mortar, which he smears on the surface of a brick to make them join together.
An undergraduate is classified as an apprentice who takes the mortar board over to the artisan. The tassel on the mortar board symbolizes the handle. At the end of the ceremony, they're told to move the tassel from the right side, which symbolizes the right hand that gives, to the left to symbolize the artisan's acceptance of the apprentice's petition to be an apprentice. When the tassel move from the right to the left, it covers 180°. After completing their four-year degree, a motivated student can have this much expertise as an apprentice.
The graduates also wear a black gown, symbolizing that they're going back to the tomb of Osiris so that they can be reborn like Osiris after Seth chopped him up and Isis put him back together; she transformed herself into a bird, flapped her wings above where his phallus was supposed to be, and through immaculate conception, Horus was born. So Osiris was resurrected through his son Horus (the sun).
Hence when you go to the graduation ceremony, and you put on that black gown, you are going back to the tomb of Orisis or the womb of Isis to be reborn as the sun is reborn every morning. Also, the east-to-west shift of the tassel on the mortar board symbolizes the sun traveling through its journey each day.
When the graduate ascends to the stage, he goes up on the left side of the stage to symbolize that he is receiving knowledge and the power to read. The left is for reception, and in the physical realm, the womb of the female is a receptor. He then exits on the right, which is the sun, so that he can go out and shine. That represents a form of alchemy because the apprentice entered an undergraduate program with no knowledge about his skill and is now graduating with 180 degrees of expertise. This demonstrates that wisdom can be imparted to an ignorant person, no matter how ignorant he is, because the seed of wisdom already exists in him and can be developed through art and culture. Thus, a philosopher is simply an uneducated man in whose nature a projection has occurred.
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