Sunday, September 11, 2022

Symbolism of Valentine's Day

Valentine's day; the most romantic holiday in white supremacy culture reveals the intricate workings of the sin of being white. Here the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts to his sweetheart. If his sweetheart ingests a "chocolate with nuts," the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the black man. One certainly must question why, in a culture produced by a people that refers to itself as the "white race" and that historically has denounced people with natural chocolate complexions, a dark brown food, namely chocolate, causes such orgasm-like Ecstacy and is associated with eroticism when orally ingested. These customary and traditional little packets of chocolate candy (often with nuts), placed inside of the heart or vaginal orifice-shaped box, are like little sperm packages of Black genetic material being placed in the vaginal orifice. When presented by the white male to the white female, in the context of the skin colour deficient culture, one must conclude that this behaviour in the white supremacy system reflects a deep desire to counteract and compensate for the perceived genetic deficiency of white skin. Black psychologists have the responsibility of exposing and decoding all of that power system's major symbolism.

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