Thursday, March 31, 2022

Art of Shadow Work

Part of new-age lip service is to sign off a conversation by saying love & light while being oblivious of the shadow. I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole, said Dr Carl Jung. So what is the dark side of a polarized new-ager because a coin has two sides?

In the second verse of the second stanza of his poem titled, "The Genius Of The Crowd" Charles Bukowski gave us some insight into the flip side of the nature of the proponents of love & light.

He recited that /the best at hate are those who preach love/ and in the last stanza, he warned suffering humanity to be aware of this kind of preacher because their hatred will be perfect like a shining diamond like a knife like a mountain like a tiger and like a hemlock their finest art.

Upon the destruction of the wisdom of the wise and the frustration of the intelligence of the intelligent, what's left is Yahuah's rational meaning of love rather than a self-taught and emotionally based one where everything goes. For wholeness to be accomplished as well, the path of the heart warrior can be taken in the process of doing shadow work.

A great analogy that enlightens the mind about shadow work is to imagine your mind as a house and a burglar has broken in. Your motive shall be to grab a flashlight and find where he is. The burglar represents the dark thoughts in the psyche. So the practitioner aims to capture and transform them then annex them into the conscious mind.

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