Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Chemical Feminization of the Black Man

Numerous studies have indicated that alcohol abuse in men can cause shrinking of the testis or testicular atrophy and impaired production of testosterone which is a dominance/power hormone. Frequent alcohol use creates excess estrogen in a male body. It is the aromatize enzyme that converts a certain amount of testosterone into estrogen. That process is called aromatization. Frequent alcohol use stimulates the process of aromatization to produce excess estrogen. So that's why men who drink heavily have breasts (man boobs). 
Alcohol is the number one drug among black youth. There is a liquor store on every corner. That is all because their mortal enemy [the blue-eyed devil] wants negroes to be scientifically feminize chronic alcohol users. So alcohol and weed, the two staples of nigga culture are the number one threat. Consequently, perhaps the fear of being a scientifically made sissy can make negroes upright because they already don't fear death that's why they say YOLO. Excess estrogen simultaneously feminizes the black man and masculinizes the black woman. In lab studies, newborn females exposed to supplemental estrogen and injected extra estrogen masculinize them. When those newborn female lab animals are injected extra estrogen grow up, they exhibit male masculine behavior including attempting to mate with other women. That shows the current black lesbian phenomenon is a scientific creation.

Elijah Muhammad taught us to stay away from the birth control pill because it is part of a deadly plot against black people. The aim of the white man with the birth control pill is to eliminate future black families. The birth control pill is one of the main culprits in the masculinization of females and the feminization of men. Most birth control pills have estrogen in them. Excess estrogen residues taken in with the birth control pill have masculinizing effects on the sisters over time. 
By two ways can estrogen feminize black men. If the sister is nursing a male baby while taking birth control pills, she is being masculinized by the extra consumption of estrogen from the birth control pill while he is being feminized. The second method involves the millions of women who use birth control tablets, who release residual estrogen while they pee, which shall then winds up in the sewage system. Bacteria eat some of the estrogen excreted, but not all of it. The sewer water treatment plants are ill-equipped to filter the estrogen. So it sips into the lakes and rivers. 

Dr. Larry Barber, a geochemist from the USA geological society, studied 70 rivers and lakes and their estrogen level. That residue estrogen feminized the fish of those water bodies. Upon fishing, people eat the feminized fish with the excess estrogen. Consequently, the black women get a little more masculine and the black men get a little more feminized. 

When other variables are introjected in this complex plot, that feminized black man evolves into a homosexual. A lesbian emerges from this masculinized lady. That is why it has such a high rate of lesbianism and homosexuality because it suffers from estrogen dominance.

On a psychological level, that mild feminization among the black men i.e., lowered testosterone, is portrayed by their mood swings. They have mood swings to the degree that they share memes announcing what their current mood is. So we have today an extremely emotional black man even in the current crop of so-called black leaders who have an ego problem. They think way too much about themselves and show their delusional mindset by giving themselves titles that nobody legitimized. 

When a sister marries an oversized ego of a man with heightened emotionalism, she got a moon god in the household. When he doesn't have his way, he wants to carpet bomb anything and everybody. The gunplay in the hood is also the direct result of the feminization of men in the hood because they lack sufficient testosterone to engage in physical fights and confront their open enemy but are quick to pull the trigger on their neighbor. Both of which are signs of estrogen dominance in the hood.



Dr. Wesley Muhammad 

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