Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Chemical Feminization of the Black Man

Numerous studies have indicated that alcohol abuse in men can cause shrinking of the testis or testicular atrophy and impaired production of testosterone which is a dominance/power hormone. Frequent alcohol use creates excess estrogen in a male body. It is the aromatize enzyme that converts a certain amount of testosterone into estrogen. That process is called aromatization. Frequent alcohol use stimulates the process of aromatization to produce excess estrogen. So that's why men who drink heavily have breasts (man boobs). 
Alcohol is the number one drug among black youth. There is a liquor store on every corner. That is all because their mortal enemy [the blue-eyed devil] wants negroes to be scientifically feminize chronic alcohol users. So alcohol and weed, the two staples of nigga culture are the number one threat. Consequently, perhaps the fear of being a scientifically made sissy can make negroes upright because they already don't fear death that's why they say YOLO. Excess estrogen simultaneously feminizes the black man and masculinizes the black woman. In lab studies, newborn females exposed to supplemental estrogen and injected extra estrogen masculinize them. When those newborn female lab animals are injected extra estrogen grow up, they exhibit male masculine behavior including attempting to mate with other women. That shows the current black lesbian phenomenon is a scientific creation.

Elijah Muhammad taught us to stay away from the birth control pill because it is part of a deadly plot against black people. The aim of the white man with the birth control pill is to eliminate future black families. The birth control pill is one of the main culprits in the masculinization of females and the feminization of men. Most birth control pills have estrogen in them. Excess estrogen residues taken in with the birth control pill have masculinizing effects on the sisters over time. 
By two ways can estrogen feminize black men. If the sister is nursing a male baby while taking birth control pills, she is being masculinized by the extra consumption of estrogen from the birth control pill while he is being feminized. The second method involves the millions of women who use birth control tablets, who release residual estrogen while they pee, which shall then winds up in the sewage system. Bacteria eat some of the estrogen excreted, but not all of it. The sewer water treatment plants are ill-equipped to filter the estrogen. So it sips into the lakes and rivers. 

Dr. Larry Barber, a geochemist from the USA geological society, studied 70 rivers and lakes and their estrogen level. That residue estrogen feminized the fish of those water bodies. Upon fishing, people eat the feminized fish with the excess estrogen. Consequently, the black women get a little more masculine and the black men get a little more feminized. 

When other variables are introjected in this complex plot, that feminized black man evolves into a homosexual. A lesbian emerges from this masculinized lady. That is why it has such a high rate of lesbianism and homosexuality because it suffers from estrogen dominance.

On a psychological level, that mild feminization among the black men i.e., lowered testosterone, is portrayed by their mood swings. They have mood swings to the degree that they share memes announcing what their current mood is. So we have today an extremely emotional black man even in the current crop of so-called black leaders who have an ego problem. They think way too much about themselves and show their delusional mindset by giving themselves titles that nobody legitimized. 

When a sister marries an oversized ego of a man with heightened emotionalism, she got a moon god in the household. When he doesn't have his way, he wants to carpet bomb anything and everybody. The gunplay in the hood is also the direct result of the feminization of men in the hood because they lack sufficient testosterone to engage in physical fights and confront their open enemy but are quick to pull the trigger on their neighbor. Both of which are signs of estrogen dominance in the hood.



Dr. Wesley Muhammad 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Conditioning an Artificial Personality

We talk in psychology about conditioning, how you condition a rat or a dog. For Instance, you put that rat in a box, and you determine when and for what reason it will be fed, and you train it, that it has to perform a particular behavior to be fed or to get water. So in the end this rat acquires what we call a new behavior, a new way of dealing with the world as a result of being placed in those particular conditions.

We look at conditioning as learning, but note also that conditioning means to live under certain conditions. One thing that the human brain is about, is that it’s essentially a learning instrument. That is why we come into this world not pre-wired as little animals, but the brain is more like a computer so that its programs its environment and takes in its environment and then begins to orient the person’s behavior in terms of that program. In a sense then, we not only live in an environment, but the environment also lives in us. You not only live under certain conditions, but the conditions live in you as a people. 

That rat then, as a result of being put into that condition of the Skinner box, itself becomes conditioned. And you can tell that it has been in the box by looking at its behavior. This means that the condition has inculcated itself into the very brains of that rat and it comes out in its very behavior. 

When you let other people determine the conditions under which you must live as a people, then these people are creating you. The same way the rat's behavior is created by the conditions in which it must live. 

I tell my students when you looked at the rat in the skinner experiment, the rat in the box. You must not just look at it the way it’s described in the book. The book will say “the rat is in the box and if it presses the lever the pellet of food drops down and it eats the food, and after a while, it learns the association between pressing the lever down and getting the food, hence it is conditioned.” They play all kinds of games with that. 

You see the good ole black student comes in there and he learns all of that and he figures he’s equally educated with the white boy. “Oh man I know this conditioning”, he may even come out 5 beta kappa, first in his class, stupid though. Stupid, very stupid! Every 5 beta kappa keys are gonna make him stupid. He’s going to get Pride out of it, and you're not going to be able to tell him anything. “Why I got my degree from Harvard, your going to tell me?” If that class didn’t tell him that he is the rat, he’s been miseducated. 

The relationship between the rat in the box and the experimenter is not merely an experiment and conditioning, it represents a political situation. It represents a set of power relationships, and that rat is created more by the power relationships than it is through the so-called experiment. But it isn’t described this way in a general psychology text. 

The experimenter has Power, and the rat is relatively powerless, therefore the experimenter can put the powerless rat into this condition because if the rat had the power he would dare him to do it. And say “you're not going to put me in the box, I’ll put you in the box, but you're not gone put me in the box.” But the rat not having the power is not able to do it. And now the experimenter uses his power, “I’ll feed you when you do this, I’ll send an electric shock when you do that when I turn this light on you eat when I turn it off you don’t.” 

So if the student doesn’t learn that he’s being miseducated, I don’t care what type of A he makes in the course, he’s being made stupid by that very Education. If he’s not told and asks the question; look at Harlem and the other ghettos of the world, and these include whole Nations. Who’s feeding you? Where do you get your food? Don’t you know you're locked in here, and if they ran a blockade around your community you would starve to death? Who brings the water into the community, into your house? The oil the gas lights, jobs? When you look at it you can see it again, what? Power relations. 

Do you think these people who control these essential things are going to be foolish enough to manipulate them in a way as such that you will not be controlled in the sense that they want you controlled? That they are not going to use this power to create into us a type of personality that is compatible with their system and their status quo? You would do it if you had the power, of course, in a sense, this is the way reality works and this is the way the people have worked us. 

The idea then that you let another group of people have this much power and control over the very vital resources of the world and over the vital things for life itself, means in a sense then that we are letting them have control to a great extent over our personalities and in a sense, they have created this personality. 

Therefore what they have done is interjected into us the kind of possibility that is suitable to their continued domination of the world itself. And an essential part of creating that personality is to remove the knowledge of ourselves as a people.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Pot Plot

Men who smoke weed are under attack as well because the consumption of synthetic marijuana makes their bodies release a lot of estrogens that feminize them. Female stoners also release an extraordinary amount of estrogen but it masculinizes them. The weed available on the market is the furthest thing from the medicinal "natural" product from antiquity. That's the pot plot and it functions as per the judgment in Isaiah 5:20 i.e., woe unto the manufacturers who substitute the genders of suffering humanity and claim that it is good but it's a strategy of war. The absence of a defense system generated by masculine men leaves society at the mercy of the lawless one. That is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of the prince of the power of the air, with all power and signs and false wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9)

Message to the Blackman

History is best qualified to reward our research and he who does not learn the lessons of history is doomed to repeat them. The slave mindset is a dreadful state in which, before we begin enlightening black people, we must consider which white person we will upset. If we truly want to see our people free, we will undoubtedly disturb those that oppress us. To the degree that the oppressor controls us, it is to that degree that we lack offense to him.

But the one who is not under his control is the most provocative and dangerous of all just because he behaves as per his excellent judgement. It is beautiful to be emancipated. When you know the truth, it sets you free. When you understand the truth then it transforms into a weapon in your hands.

It's one thing to know it for yourself and be liberated by that knowledge. To know how to wield the truth as a weapon against your adversaries and to awaken thousands of people, you must first understand it. Consequently, the goal is not just to know the truth, but also to become educated consumers of it, so that we may not only liberate ourselves, but also the humble masses.

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