Friday, February 26, 2021

Psychedelics, Drugs, Spiritual Spouse & The Bible: Fallen Angel Sorcery

Now the practices of the flesh are evident, St. Paul goes on to mention 15 vices but for the purpose of this paper, we shall consider one of them i.e., sorcery. Its definition in the amplified Bible version include drug-induced trance often for recreation, ceremonial and spiritual purposes. The apostle warns, that those who practice such things will never inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:20).

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In the book of Enoch, when describing the fall of angels and the knowledge they taught mankind to pervert the human race, chapter seven verse one reads that a fallen angel called Semjâzâ taught men charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots and made them acquainted with plants. The Hebrew word used here for charms is sorcery - reflecting it's the same office as the practice of drugging.

Consequently, an explanation to the above reference is that the fallen angels taught mankind how to identify and utilize the psychedelics compound found within the root systems of plants which would trigger visionary experiences upon consumption. 

The age of barbarism has arrived once again and it has come with the forbidden practices of that would corrupt man. The only difference this round is female stoners, in particular, can only meet the fallen angels in the astral world and make spiritual babies. During astral travel and copulation, a female stoner can also be impregnated by a demon and have an immaculate conception of a devil in the same order Mary mother of Jesus was impregnated by the holy spirit but gave birth to the begotten son of God. 

So St. Peter instructed the regenerated people to be sober because the devil roams around like a lion seeking whoever he may devour. That shows and proves that sorcery or commonly referred to as stoning, opens doorways to the spiritual world making the stoner vulnerable to attacks, unguarded against seductive doctrines of demons, which upon partaking, they become damned; never to inherit the kingdom of God.

A 2018 study discovered that 27% of the population have been misled to classifying themselves as spiritual but not religious yet religion is as inherent to life as humidity is to water hence to be spiritual is to be religious by definition i.e., belonging in any system of faith/worship/devotion involving a supernatural reality. 

The problem arises when new age spiritualists mix sorcery with spirituality. This makes them unstable in all their ways for no one can serve two masters. The Saints direct these double-minded, so-called spiritual but not religious people to be transformed and progressively changed [as they mature spiritually] by the renewing of their mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes] and come close to God with a contrite heart and He will come close to them. It is common knowledge in gnostic circles that drugs annihilate alpha waves. Then, unquestionably, the intrinsic connection between mind and brain is lost. This results in total failure.
So those who struggle with the flesh also have to repent for the remission of sin, be baptism to be filled with the holy spirit then prove themselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the good news and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

In light of this, it is important to note that religion is what you do perpetually hence a drug addict turns vice into religion.  There was once a cult in the middle east called the hashishans, who would ritually smoked hashish, to awaken themselves in the ego and to murder for their religious leader. This is where we get the term "assassin." Therefore, those who smoke hashish assassinate their inner Buddha.
Such spiritual ignorance leads to our grasping for what the flesh desires. As long as craving has its fangs sunk into us we cannot see what lies beyond materialism. Overwhelmed by our lust for the next puff, we do not even realize that it is the craving itself that causes our suffering. Ignorance is the nonrecognition of what the problem really is, and that there is a solution to the problem. (Hall, 1928) wrote that by permitting his senses to become deadened through indulgence in habit-forming drugs or alcoholic stimulants, the individual becomes temporarily en rapport with these denizens succubae and incubi [spiritual spouses] of the astral plane. This is a major hindrance on the path because spiritual spouses are the number one cause of limitations.

When these denizens make soul ties with someone's soul, one starts getting dreams of backwardness in which he sees himself in his former school or places he lived in the past. This manifests in real life as setbacks in every endeavor. God being a mighty man of war declares that these spirits plus the spiritual babies one makes with them in the event of a nocturnal emission, must be put to death in the name of Jesus. 
The good thing is once a natural man is regenerated, there is no condemnation for him because now he does not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit hence free from the law of sin and death.  For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit and to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

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