Sunday, February 28, 2021

Man's Ontology

The Mystic Pride is a feature of the inner PHARISEE. It is very difficult to point out the faults of those who are "sincerely mistaken" since they feel super-transcended, they claim to be Gods, without having put their foot in the first step of the Holy Stairway yet (Weor, 1967). Unquestionably, one cannot become a true enlightened if one is full of Pride. I could never think of a God who is drunk, who fornicates, who is adulterous, fighter, selfish, envious, jealous, lustful, etc. We are all of it, indeed (Weor, 2000).
So on the subject of God's ontological distinction from men; that we are vile worms in the mud of the earth and not God by nature, my favorite proof text for this when discussing with new-agers are:

Put them in [reverent] fear of You, O LORD, So that the nations may know they are but [frail and mortal] men. Selah (Psalm 9:20). Now the Egyptians are men and not God, And their horses are flesh and not spirit, And the LORD will stretch out His hand, And he (Egypt) who helps will stumble, And he (Judah) who is helped will fall, And all of them will perish together (Isaiah 31:3). The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, [2]“Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Because your heart is proud And you have said and thought, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of the gods In the heart of the seas’, Yet you are [only] a man [weak, feeble, made of the earth] and not God, Though you [imagine yourself to be more than mortal and] think your mind is as [wise as] the mind of God. Ezekiel 28:1-2) [7] So I will bring strangers (Babylonians) upon you, the most ruthless and violent of the nations. And they will draw their swords Against the beauty of your wisdom And defile your splendor. [9] ‘Will you still say, “I am a god,” In the presence of him who kills you? But you are [only] a man [made of the earth] and not God, In the hands of those who wound and profane you. 
You should mind that pride is not only based on social standings, on money, on family lineage, etc. There is another kind of Pride, which is much worse than the previous forms of pride. I am referring to the MYSTICAL PRIDE. So, first of all in these studies, we must urgently eliminate from ourselves the Mystical Pride, which is very dangerous. If we succeed, then the precious virtue of Humility will flourish in ourselves. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Psychedelics, Drugs, Spiritual Spouse & The Bible: Fallen Angel Sorcery

Now the practices of the flesh are evident, St. Paul goes on to mention 15 vices but for the purpose of this paper, we shall consider one of them i.e., sorcery. Its definition in the amplified Bible version include drug-induced trance often for recreation, ceremonial and spiritual purposes. The apostle warns, that those who practice such things will never inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:20).

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In the book of Enoch, when describing the fall of angels and the knowledge they taught mankind to pervert the human race, chapter seven verse one reads that a fallen angel called Semjâzâ taught men charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots and made them acquainted with plants. The Hebrew word used here for charms is sorcery - reflecting it's the same office as the practice of drugging.

Consequently, an explanation to the above reference is that the fallen angels taught mankind how to identify and utilize the psychedelics compound found within the root systems of plants which would trigger visionary experiences upon consumption. 

The age of barbarism has arrived once again and it has come with the forbidden practices of that would corrupt man. The only difference this round is female stoners, in particular, can only meet the fallen angels in the astral world and make spiritual babies. During astral travel and copulation, a female stoner can also be impregnated by a demon and have an immaculate conception of a devil in the same order Mary mother of Jesus was impregnated by the holy spirit but gave birth to the begotten son of God. 

So St. Peter instructed the regenerated people to be sober because the devil roams around like a lion seeking whoever he may devour. That shows and proves that sorcery or commonly referred to as stoning, opens doorways to the spiritual world making the stoner vulnerable to attacks, unguarded against seductive doctrines of demons, which upon partaking, they become damned; never to inherit the kingdom of God.

A 2018 study discovered that 27% of the population have been misled to classifying themselves as spiritual but not religious yet religion is as inherent to life as humidity is to water hence to be spiritual is to be religious by definition i.e., belonging in any system of faith/worship/devotion involving a supernatural reality. 

The problem arises when new age spiritualists mix sorcery with spirituality. This makes them unstable in all their ways for no one can serve two masters. The Saints direct these double-minded, so-called spiritual but not religious people to be transformed and progressively changed [as they mature spiritually] by the renewing of their mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes] and come close to God with a contrite heart and He will come close to them. It is common knowledge in gnostic circles that drugs annihilate alpha waves. Then, unquestionably, the intrinsic connection between mind and brain is lost. This results in total failure.
So those who struggle with the flesh also have to repent for the remission of sin, be baptism to be filled with the holy spirit then prove themselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the good news and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

In light of this, it is important to note that religion is what you do perpetually hence a drug addict turns vice into religion.  There was once a cult in the middle east called the hashishans, who would ritually smoked hashish, to awaken themselves in the ego and to murder for their religious leader. This is where we get the term "assassin." Therefore, those who smoke hashish assassinate their inner Buddha.
Such spiritual ignorance leads to our grasping for what the flesh desires. As long as craving has its fangs sunk into us we cannot see what lies beyond materialism. Overwhelmed by our lust for the next puff, we do not even realize that it is the craving itself that causes our suffering. Ignorance is the nonrecognition of what the problem really is, and that there is a solution to the problem. (Hall, 1928) wrote that by permitting his senses to become deadened through indulgence in habit-forming drugs or alcoholic stimulants, the individual becomes temporarily en rapport with these denizens succubae and incubi [spiritual spouses] of the astral plane. This is a major hindrance on the path because spiritual spouses are the number one cause of limitations.

When these denizens make soul ties with someone's soul, one starts getting dreams of backwardness in which he sees himself in his former school or places he lived in the past. This manifests in real life as setbacks in every endeavor. God being a mighty man of war declares that these spirits plus the spiritual babies one makes with them in the event of a nocturnal emission, must be put to death in the name of Jesus. 
The good thing is once a natural man is regenerated, there is no condemnation for him because now he does not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit hence free from the law of sin and death.  For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit and to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Proof the New Age Movement is Satanic

Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men and it's composed of logos, pathos, and ethos. The first part of ethos is establishing your credentials to be speaking to the audience on the specific subject matter. 

So when you decide to give your life to Jesus after years of apostasy, the strongest resistance comes from lost souls who need Jehovah the most. These are individuals with multiple personalities and idolaters - people who draw metaphysical power from sacred geometry pendants. The first sign of their insanity is revealed by how you have to reinforce biblical common sense upon their psyche over and over again expecting a different result but they keep on retaliating using uneducated opinions. Have you ever argued with someone with short man syndrome on Facebook? The aftermath is a pensive feeling.

Satan, the enemy of God is, in reality, the highest divine spirit and the arch-deceiver commissioned the mother of the new age movement to downplay him and affiliate him with the ego claiming it is the adversary at its lowest. Helena Blavatsky would teach on things like ascended masters, ancient mythology, Hermeticism, Hinduism, mysticism, scientism, astrology, sacred math, esoteric knowledge, chakra, Atlantis, kabala and every other new age topic. 

After being baptized, my assistant researcher and I decided to read The Satanic Bible authored by Anton LaVey, founder of the church of Satan to see if we could find facts that parallel the new age movement. As we were reading through, we found topics such as the age of Aquarius, Lucifer as the personification of enlightenment, Thoth [who is spoken of in the Satanic Bible and the Joy of Satan ministries as being a high-ranking demon], spirit guides, pantheism, spiritual rebirth through studying the mysteries, the all-seeing eye, being your redeemer & savior through enlightenment. It sounded like a little darker version of the exact topics discussed in the new age.

Upon digging a little deeper, we found this quote by the black pope: 

"In the scores of books lining the shelves of New age bookstores, there are instructions for guided meditations, creative visualizations, out-of-body experiences, getting in touch with your spirit guides, fortune-telling by cards, crystal balls, or the stars. What if Satanists reclaimed these for their dark purposes and integrated them into rituals dedicated to the Devil where they rightfully belong?..." 

"New Agers have freely drawn all manner of Satanic material adapting it to their hypocritical purposes. But in truth, all 'New Age' labeling is, again, trying to play the Devil's game without using his infernal name." - Quoted in Church of Satan by Blanche Barton, p. 107, 1990

As it turns out, the entire new age movement has its roots in satanic philosophy and is founded and popularized by a Satanist called Helena Blavatsky. she wrote, "Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the "Holy Ghost", and Satan at the same time." - The Secret Doctrine vol 2, p. 513.

Armchair occult philosophers in these streets are now head over heels in love with Baphomet because it's the androgen who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection. On the flip side of the coin, what's normally hidden from the seekers, Crowley said that ugly beast is the emblem of Satan; the devil in the book of filth. After dedicating his entire life to magic, the spiritual mysteries, and the occult, he left this world with the final words: "I am perplexed, Satan get out".
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Jacques de Molay and his fellow knight Templars were rounded up and burnt to death under the orders of King Philip I because his spies informed his majesty that the templars had a huge statue of the emblem of satan in the secret chamber of their lodge. Some Templars escaped with the lore and later resurfaced under the guise of freemasonry.

So when bullshit analysts call freemasons devil worshippers, it's because freemasonry is an offshoot of knight templars lore who worshipped the emblem of satan. Hence anytime you find yourself romancing Baphomet, the hieroglyph of arcane perfection, reckon what that major player of the new age movement documented about it. 

Crowley also founded the AA. Its members modeled the purpose of Baphomet i.e. perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of universal initiation. 

In a website called "The Joy of Satan Ministries" and dedicated to spiritual satanism, the following topics are taught in-depth at the satanic witchcraft index: astrology, auras, magic, self-hypnosis, past lives, incense, the chakras, the astral planes, spells, and the kundalini serpent. Hence the ideas and themes of the new-age are the same ideas taught in spiritual satanism. And these are the same ideas taught by Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley advocated along with a satanic philosophy and are the very ideas Anton LaVey accused the new-age of stealing from the devil. The use of new-age practices by spiritual Satanists in their devotion to satan should raise concerned among the discerning ones and any teaching or doctrine that is pushed alongside lucifer/satan should be dropped immediately. This is the enemy of Jesus Christ, who is trying to deceive and lead people into sin and deception before his time is up. Just like he deceived Eve, he baits people with promises of god-hood and ascension, if only they study esoteric knowledge and refuse to obey/follow/seek God. This is the same lie found in the first book of the Bible.

The vessel of online esotericists is innocent. The problem is that the Spirit expressly stated that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron.

“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Steve Bancarz, Josh Peck, and Doreen Virtue were all big shots in the new age movement and were misled by the spirits of the universe to mislead their followers into a burning house like MLK but being people of integrity, they're now correcting their mistakes. The divine visitation they got from Jesus isn't a doctrine. It is an advantage based on the election of grace or quality of the alignment. More of these events are destined to happen because in the last days, says God in (Acts 2:17) 'I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind, and your young men shall see [divinely prompted] visions, and your old men shall dream [divinely prompted] dreams.' 

Behold it is written!

St. Paul once said that Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light and this is exactly what we're seeing within the New Age movement. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

The Last Reformation

The so-called conscious community has no head nor tail. It consists of disillusioned rebels of orthodox religions who are heading nowhere fast. This group of suffering humanity seeks refuge in online communities that are sustained by senseless arguments. These idle fancies may sound-wise, but they are only human teachings. Consequently, the objective of these intellectual dwarfs is to bash what they never understood by being wise in their ways after it dawned on them that they were fooled by the ill-informed authorities in exoteric places of worship which Jesus destroyed so that the holy spirit could dwell in the temple within.

Out of Constantine, we got the Catholic church but in the book of Acts which illustrates the normal Christian life, there is no pope, a priest, church building nor a church meeting on Sunday. Many people in the world call the pope father but Jesus came and said "you shall not call anybody your father because only one is your father, God who is in heaven."

So the Catholic came and wanted to build a big religion out of the magnum opus Jesus initiated and left. First, by creating a new holiday, Sunday because Sunday was the day of the sun. Constantine was a high priest in a sun-god cult and he continued being a high priest until the day he died. Many things he established to worship the Sun-god. Hence we have a Sun-day, holy day because of Constantine and his worship of the sun god.

Additionally, he built a temple and he turned the temple to the east. So that the priest who he had appointed, could get the sun on his head and simultaneously somehow worship the Sun-god

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This is never what God wanted because he doesn't want to bless nor confirm our traditions of sun worship. He wants to confirm and bless His Word. And when we started to change a lot of things and make a religion out of it by putting God in the boxes of denominations, The Holy Spirit, the power and the life went away because we built a foundation that isn't based on the word of God. 

When we come out of this system and transform we are going to see the same things again as we read in the book of Acts where there is a testimony that you see Peter and John who were on their way to pray and there was a lame man who was praying for alms and they told him gold and silver they don't have but what we have we give you in the name of Jesus rise up and they took the lame man and he got healed. These miracles are littered all over the book of Acts but priests who've built their tradition on sun worship can't say silver and gold we don't have. After all, they're a mafia organization in possession of plenty of precious metals so they can never say in the name of Jesus stand up and walk because the holy spirit wants to be free from the greater confinements of our state traditions.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Symbolism of Valentine's Day

After this exposé, you shall have to be willfully ignorant to spend your money in the name of celebrating valentine's day in a culture of consumerism or use that opportunity to launch the truth against falsehood, which gets it smashed, and in no time it is gone!

Every soul is engaged in a great work - the labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired, into the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence. 

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On both St. Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts (unconscious symbol of afro semen). In the first instance, he gives it to his sweetheart, and in the second to his mother. If his sweetheart ingests "chocolate with nuts," the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male. And if his mother had ingested "chocolate with nuts," he would not have to worry about white genetic annihilation- as he would have been "colored" and then could be an annihilator of white genes like the feared and envied Black male. 

Both the valentine shape and the chocolate candy have a symbolic meaning not previously recognized, examined nor understood by Western culture investigators. However, once the unified field of the Western culture dynamic (behavior dynamic) is set forth, it will be seen that these fragments of symbolism take on a brilliant clarity. 

Ref: Manly P. Hall & Dr Cress Welsing 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Art of Prayer

The syntactic nature of reality, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.  

God respects his word more than his name. Consequently, the art of prayer consists of holding God random so that He shall have no other choice but to comply. That is accomplished by quoting scripture in the prayer then casting it as demonstrated below:

John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 

So our Lord who sits at the right hand of God, in your word you say if I remain in you and your words remain in me, my wishes shall be granted. Hence, I pray that you may bestow better days unto my life

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Chocolate with Nuts: Valentine’s Symbol of Black Male Semen in the White Woman's Vagina

Other important holidays in the white supremacy culture further reveal the intricate workings of this symbolism. On both St. Valentine's...