Saturday, August 6, 2022


"Testosterone is clearly correlated in both men and women with psychological dominance, confident physicality and high self-esteem. In most combative, competitive environments, especially physical ones, the person with the most testosterone wins." 
 - Pook

Monday, August 1, 2022

Self-Concern Without Self-Awareness

Young kids, lacking the chemical madness curse that puberty brings us, are at PERFECT EASE and treat the sexes appropriately. No young boys will say, ‘Whatever you want to do.’ Young boys RUN AROUND, they do not sit and TALK to the girl all night. Some of the most memorable sex I’ve had has been when I was flat broke (mostly). It didn’t matter that I lived in a two-room studio in North Hollywood or had a beer and mac & cheese in the fridge – I got laid and I had women come to me for it. It didn’t take me doing anything for a woman to get laid or hold her interest. All I did was make myself my mental point of origin. If you are to kill the Beta in you, the first step is placing yourself at your mental point of origin. 

Women Are Clueless About Their Sexual Market Value

"Increasingly "career women" desiring to finally start a family at age 35 find that men in their age range (33-38) are interested in the 22 year olds who wouldn’t give them the time of day when they didn’t have the status that they’ve just discovered they now have."

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Chocolate with Nuts: Valentine’s Symbol of Black Male Semen in the White Woman's Vagina

Other important holidays in the white supremacy culture further reveal the intricate workings of this symbolism. On both St. Valentine's...