Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Karmic Culmination

A Spiritual Path Increases Problems

Improvement sets in motion the law of karma. To the degree that you improve, to that degree you will find increased opportunity. One word of warning at this point is important. When you begin metaphysical exercises a certain definite change takes place within yourself. Feel confident that you are protected from any physiological disturbances; but nothing can protect you from the law of karma. This law has a way of speeding up, with the result that study of this kind will almost certainly increase your personal problems. You start paying karmic debts faster.

This is important eventually, but is sometimes embarrassing at the moment. You must be prepared to face certain disagreeable and difficult situations. They will show up the minute you begin to study. It is a process of purification in which the consciousness is throwing off certain negative parts of itself. When the body throws off poisons physically, we have sickness; when the soul starts throwing off poisons, we also have disturbances. 

These frequently take the form of difficulties with persons around us, financial problems, and temperamental difficulties. The thing to be remembered under such circumstances is that the paying of these debts by speeding up karma cleanses the subjective nature and prepares it to receive metaphysical instruction. 

Therefore do not be surprised if some of your difficulties multiply themselves. It is encouraging to remember that the wisdom of nature never permits any individual to be confronted with insurmountable obstacles. Many fail in their problems, but this failure is not due to any lack of their possessing the potential power to succeed. Generally the problems which confront the metaphysician are adjusted to his increasing consciousness, and if he will live what he believes he will find the obstacles rather quickly dissipated, leaving behind only a wealth of experience and a deeper appreciation of values.

Ref: Manly P Hall

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Love in SWS & Show-offism

Neely Fuller, Jr. — 'If you don't understand white supremacy/racism ,everything that you know will only confuse you.

Black people have a habit of talking about black love which is something absolutely false because it cannot exist in the system of white supremacy in which in many cases black people don't even like each other. Reckon how legendary black on black crime is.

Black people are prisoners of war and in the united-independent compensatory code, Neely Fuller informs all captives that this meaninglessly thrown around word called love is synonymous with justice. You can't have one without the other hence you can't have justice and white supremacy in the same universe at the same time. Consequently, you can't have love either since love and justice are the same. Justice is guaranteeing that no person is mistreated and guaranteeing that the person that needs the help most gets the most constructive help. Now no black person can guarantee that. White supremacy is designed for hostility and all convicts have all been poisoned by it.

So another code from the guidebook is never to talk to anyone unless the information you are conveying is constructive or you've been demanded constructive information. What normally oozes out of black people when they don't have something constructive to do is show offism and it happens in four ways: 

Showing off to each other the things white people have allowed them to obtain, showing off to each other the information white people have allowed them to secure, showing off to each other the ability to belittle one other and showing off to each other the ability to make sexual impressions on each other.

This is what we call the black lifestyle but black people don't need the bragging nor the celebrating business coz we're unqualified for it. What we need are meetings for problem-solving so that the information that would be used to show off could be used to solve problems and that problem solving should be done before the meeting otherwise there's no point in calling it just to woe and talk about how terrible things are.

Ref: Neely Fuller

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