Happiness, in intelligent people, is the rarest thing, therefore, a surefire method for these poor aesthetics to secure happiness is through destruction of illusion with the aim of liberating consciousness which is bottled up in undesirable psychic aggregates of "me myself & I".
The intention of this bubble bursting paper which will be disappointing to the 85 percenters who are the humble masses mentally deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth about themselves and the world which they live; is to provide an Afrocentric perception of a festival whose ultimate objective in contemporary society is to enjoy passions of the mind in its confusion with true love. Understand, that enlightenment is the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.

To tamper that situation, it's crucial to be conscious about a simple yet profound social narrative which seeks to inform black people suffering from Identity Crisis about the limitation of imitation which in this context is shown by black people unjustifiably and unconsciously celebrating the castration of Black male genitalia.
The narrative is straightforward: Monkey was so busy imitating what others were doing until it chopped off its own tail.
The narrative is straightforward: Monkey was so busy imitating what others were doing until it chopped off its own tail.
Upon visualizing the dressing code of judges in the majority of ex British colonies in African, a keen student of arts in humanity will quickly realize that our judicial wig is a borrowed dressing code from the western judiciary system who claim to have masterminded it but in reality, his-tory is an imposition of our-story.
Black people have been raising this question for a long time- "What's happening?" We ask that question of everyone that we meet because we truly have not understood and presently do not understand what really is going on. It is the responsibility of Black psychiatrists, in particular, to provide this answer.
Today, the human activity we'll pay close attention to is sexual activity. So due to colour inadequacy, the caucasian psyche has developed a psychological defense mechanism in behavioural practices on a worldwide scale. I.e inferiorization of all people with the capacity to produce significant quantities of melanin skin-pigment: black, brown red and yellow people of the earth. The construction of this system of white supremacy is motivated by the survival instinct of those who classify themselves as white. The root of their survival response is based on the fact that they are the minority of the planet occupying a tenth of the total human population. Therefore sexual activity between those who classify themselves as white and non-white people will lead to genetic annihilation of the former.
An important holiday in this white supremacy culture which reveals the intricate workings of the sin of being born without colour is St. Valentine's Day when the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts. Upon giving to his sweetheart, and if his sweetheart ingests "chocolate with nuts," the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male.
The valentine shape and the chocolate candy have a symbolic meaning not previously recognized, examined nor understood by Western culture investigators. However, once the unified field of the Western culture behaviour dynamic is set forth, it will be seen that these fragments of symbolism take on a brilliant clarity. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines valentine as,
a special day set aside as a lover's festival... St. Valentine's Day as a lover's festival and the modem tradition of sending valentine cards have no relation to the Saint but, rather, seem to be connected with either the Roman fertility festival of the Lupercalia (February 15) or with the mating season of birds.
The relationship of the valentine to an ancient fertility rite suggests that the so-called "heart" shape of the valentine may be less associated with the anatomical heart of the human body, as is commonly thought, than with the symbolic drawing of the female genital organ, the vaginal opening.
In Tantric worship in India, this organ is frequently drawn in the form of a heart or an upside-down triangle, with the base upward. It is clear that the organ of the heart in the human body has much less an association with fertility than the vaginal orifice.
An explanation of the symbolism of chocolate in Western culture will
expose further the significance of heart-shaped valentines as well as the
importance of chocolate.
In an article entitled "The Sweet Taste of Sin," food critic, Gael Greene is quoted saying: "I have always thought a good chocolate mousse is an aphrodisiac, the more intense the taste of chocolate, the more erotic the spell. It's akin to illicit sex. It's so good but so fattening. It gives you pimples. It's a sin, wonderful, wicked deeply chocolate."
One certainly must question why, in a culture produced by a people that refers to itself as the "white race" and that historically has denounced people with natural chocolate complexions, a dark brown
food, namely chocolate, causes such orgasm-like ecstasy and is associated with eroticism when orally ingested.
This pattern of logic and thought surrounding chocolate (dark brown) candy and other deserts most certainly cannot be held in isolation from the white female preference for males who are tall, dark & (handsome).
This behaviour in the white supremacy behavioural system reflects a deep desire to counteract and compensate for the perceived genetic deficiency of white skin. Thus, the customary and traditional little packets of chocolate candy (often with nuts), placed inside of the heart or vaginal orifice shaped box, are like little sperm packages of Black genetic material being placed in the vaginal orifice.
One must conclude that the white male realizes consciously or unconsciously that the most desired mate for the white female is the Black male, just as he realizes that his most desired sexual mate is the Black female. This illuminates the white male's fascination with black·stockings, black underwear and black negligees as sexual symbols.
After hundreds of years of oppression, the oppressed, having lost their sense of their own identity, begin to believe that the brain-products of their oppressors are one and the same with their own, failing completely to realize that they do not control their own brain-computers nor their brain-computers' output. The slave's fate isn't to see nor reason why, but only to do or die.
However, the process of liberation is one wherein the oppressed begin to clearly distinguish their perceptions, logic and thought processes from the oppressors'. The oppressed, then, begin to respect and validate their perceptions and their logic and thought processes, realizing fully that they can never free themselves with the thought processes and perceptions that were a part of the process of their enslavement.
As long as the Black (non-white) collective consciously or unconsciously accepts a symbolism of Black male castration, they never will be self/group-respecting and forever will remain mentally ill.
Mentally ill people who do not respect themselves and have self/group-negating patterns of logic, thought, speech action, emotional response and perceptions, never can liberate themselves from their oppressors. Black behavioural scientists, in general, have the responsibility of clarifying for Black people all aspects of the oppressive dynamic of white genetic survival. This includes exposing and decoding all of that power system's major symbolism.
Romans 12:2 beseeches the Original people of the planet earth to be renewed by the transformation of their minds so that we may show God's perfect will. Therefore with transformative information embedded in our psyche, the 85 percenters can rise to the plane above and become Movers instead of pawns. They can help to play the game of life, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment.
Romans 12:2 beseeches the Original people of the planet earth to be renewed by the transformation of their minds so that we may show God's perfect will. Therefore with transformative information embedded in our psyche, the 85 percenters can rise to the plane above and become Movers instead of pawns. They can help to play the game of life, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment.